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  • ALM Octane Plugin für Bamboo V9.5.2

    Wir (LDBV / IT-DLZ) benötigen dringend für den Einsatz von ALM Octane und UFT-Developer ein ALM Octane Plugin für Bamboo. Aktuell gibt es noch kein Plugin im ALM Octane für die Bamboo Version (V9.5.2), die das LDBV im Einsatz hat. Die Bereitstellung…
  • Test desktop applications with Win32 forms

    Hello everyone, I am new here and would like to know if testing desktop applications with forms in Win32 developed in Delhi 7 is possible. Thank you
  • Automate the installation of ALM plugins in Jenkins slave machine

    Request to provide way to automate the installation of ALM plugins in Jenkins slave machine. Configure the Jenkins Slave Machine to Support ALM
  • Trying to take screenshot from Hostexplorer and paste it in MSWORD application

    Hi Team, Good day. I am using Host explorer version 15.0.7 and creating a VBA Macro to take the Mainframe screenshot and paste it in MSWord Document. As I am a newbie to this VBA Macro, sorry if my question is so lame. I have overall idea to achieve…
  • Failed to Save test to ALM Error on saving test, Not using ALM.

    Hi All, I am getting 'Failed to Save test to ALM' Error on saving the test, Even though I am not using ALM. I am using UFT one below is the version: Application Name: UFT One Version: 2021.0.0.2596 Kindly help.
  • UFT 15.02 identifying Java Application (Oracle Retail Xstore) as window object even though Java add-in is enabled

    UFT 15.02 is not identifying a Oracle retails xstore application as Java window or Java object. Java add in is enabled.
  • Failure to interact with a Java APP Desktop when UFT is run from an inactive Windows session

    I have developed a test that interacts with a Java APP Desktop and the Browser. To execute it periodically, I have created a script (.vbs) that creates a UFT object, opens the test, and runs it. I have scheduled this script to run periodically by creating…
  • Offset in AI Record mode in UFT One (CE 24.2)

    Hello there, We're experiencing a problem on all the Web applications we've tested. When recording in AI mode, there's a phase shift problem when identifying objects. The identification frames are out of phase and don't surround the objects in the right…
  • Run a recovery from an unknown failure

    ALM v17 UFT 24.2 I am running test scripts through ALM test lab. There is current over 100 scenarios (workflows) that run one after the other. There are not dependent on each other - only the contents inside the actual scenario. The application…
  • Where is the AI data stored in UFT One (CE 24.2) ?

    Hello there, We're currently doing a internship at an IT company and we're using UFT One to automate tests on web applications. We're looking to compare standard mode with AI mode. After running a few tests in AI mode, we encountered a number of problems…
  • applied uft free trial again, reinstalled but prompted no valid license

    I applied for a free trial of UFT for a month and it expired a week ago, so I applied again two days ago. After the application is approved, even if I reinstall UFT, it will still prompt that there is no valid license, what should I do? Shouldn't the…
  • UFT can't identify paths after 160 iterations. Need help

    2 days ago I was using UFT to find duplicates on different websites. The way it worked was, all the websites look exactly the same, it's just different projects and each project sometimes have duplicates in it. So, I created a data table where I…
  • Upgrading UFT One version causes issues with existing scripts

    Hello, I am just wondering if you it is common knowledge, and normal that when you upgrade from one version of UFT One to a new one that some of the tests that were created and working just fine in the former version won't run cleanly in the new version…
  • UI Pro related issue

    For micro focus UFT app (Version: 23.4, Build: 2023.4.0.1163) facing following issues: 1. UI Pro elements in UFT application not showing the properties in object repository (for a colleague of mine). 2. UIAPro OR - Top level in hierarchy is identified…
  • UFT 2023.4 - Application Object - RunOptions.RdpPasswordEncrypted seems doesn't work properly

    Hi, I have a script to set the enable rdp for disconnected or lock computer to make UFT worked. With 2023.4 the password is not set. I create the password using the Password Encoder tool and then copy the encrypted content and try to use it. This…
  • UFTBatchRunnerCMD 23.4 Override Results?

    I Have created a mtb file with 2 test cases. when I ran the mtb file from the command line. I Have observed that results are overriding. How to stop this? and I need individual results D:\UFTOne\OpenText\UFT One\bin>UFTBatchRunnerCMD.exe -source C…
  • UFTBatchRunnerCMD Result path

    C:\UFTOne\OpenText\UFT One\bin>UFTBatchRunnerCMD.exe - source C:\Users\flexagon\Documents\Flight-Services\mytestbatch.mtb When we use UFT 2021-2023, we don't have the option to specify the result location for UFTbatchrunnerCMD.exe. By default, those…
  • The results of executing all tests in one file.

    Hello, I want to understand if there is a possibility in UFT to sequentially execute multiple tests and save the results in a single HTML file. Please do not suggest the Parallel test runner. Thanks, Alexander.
  • how to run test batch runner from command prompt

    I couldn't find it in UFTBatchRunnerCMD.exe in UFT One23.1 there any alternative
  • Do until condition for AI

    I'm dropping an object on a canvas, then I want to assure that the drag and drop worked, using the following Do Until. It does not work, it continues to drag/drop the object. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for any help rendered. Do Until AIUtil.FindTextBlock…
  • How Can I Optimize the properties of UI object to improve performance when use object spy to define UI object?

    Hi All Anyone knows ? I guess that avoid using regex will make it faster. and any other ? for example , let say I have a object that either its path or name is enough to identify that object. will use both name and path together be faster than…
  • Is it possible with UFT to test face recognition?

    Hello, we want to know if it is possible with UFT (any version) to test a face recognition feature from a web application under browser (Chrome or Edge), also with external products eventually. Thanks. G.
  • With UFT One 23, How i can change a value in a json file ?

    Hello, I need to change some values in a json file with use UFT one and i don't know "How to do" Can you give me some advices ? Thanks in advance
  • AI Object Recognition Text Cannot Be 'Seen'

    Hi all, I notice sometimes that when I use UFT One AI object recognition, and I examine a window on my application using the AI Object Inspection tool, it can only find some of the text on the screen, not all of it. It is very random, but it does not…
  • DataTable Reformatting Excel Values - UFT 23.4

    When I'm importing data from Test Data Excel to UFT DataTable, the excel value "31 Oct 2020" stored as string with single quote still getting formatted to Date in UFT DataTable. This wasn't the case with UFT 15 I was using before this. Any ideas, why…