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  • .net protocol recording option is disabled

    Hi All, I am trying to record a .net based desktop application for a proof of concept, but the recording option are disabled.... not sure if it is because of trial license or what. Could anyone guide me on how to resolve this issue and suggest alternative…
  • WebSocket - Issue

    WebSocket - Issue - In WebSocket calls, the response of web socket is partially captured in "OnMessageCB" call (variable “data”). Ref Case ID 03015750-WebSocket - Issue We faced the above issue and reply below and asked us to raise the New Idea…
  • LoadRunner 21 - Webservice Soap request returning error code 400

    Load Runner Version 2021 build 371 Windows 11 Hi, I've a problem when executing a web service call registered with HTTP/HTML Protocol, using a "web_custom_request" function: the server response is Error -26631: HTTP Status-Code=400 (Bad Request…
  • Step-by-step process to create LR SOAP script using Web Service protocol.

    Load runner Version 2021 build 371 Windows Can someone please provide step by step process to create LR SOAP script using web service protocol. I have the URL and raw data when I am trying to script. Not sure if I am missing anything. If I can get…
  • Adding TruClient Support for Flutter Applications in LoadRunner

    Hi everyone, it would be extremely useful if the TruClient protocol could evolve to support the recording and script development for Flutter-based web applications. Flutter-based applications are increasingly being used in the web application landscape…
  • LRE unable to handle jmeter scripts with Multithread groups efficiently

    Problem Statement: When a multithreaded jmeter script is uploaded to LRE SaaS, if there are parameters being passed between different thread groups, LRE is unable to handle the same and throws 401 errors. Description: When a multithreaded jmeter…
  • Not able to delete table in VTS server UI

    What software you are using : Loadrunner What version you are on : 2022 What operating system it is running on : Window Server Detailed problem description: Issue: We have identified a total of 34,414,145 Million records in the VTS instance. We attempted…
  • How Do I analyze, why LRE fails to analyze a TestRun?

    I do have a more or less complex load profile with 4 scripts and with REST-Services (5vUser) and TrueClient-Scripts (200vUser). When I run the test for about 10-20 minutes, LRE does collate and analyze the testrun, but when I run with normal duration…
  • Facing an issue with LoadRunner License

    Hi, I recently activated my free LoadRunner Trial, on 11/13/2024 and was successfully using Virtual User Generator, Controller and the Analysis software until a few hours ago. I closed my Controller to generate a new script, and now when I opened it…
  • Option to configure delimiter for DevWeb's parameter

    Currently, DevWeb's parameter does not have the option to configure column delimiter. This led to a situation where strings with comma included cannot be used as a single parameter value, as it will separate into different columns. Some workflow which…
  • Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    Hi, Using VU Generator CE 24.1 on Windows 10. I'm not able to record any more. Even after reinstalling VUGen In C:\Users\bob\AppData\Local\Temp\HP.LR.VuGen.log, I've got these errors => 2024-10-31 10:42:40,094 RECORD [ 1] ERROR - Fail to read firefox…
  • Encode json request using base64

    Hi, I want to encode json request using base64 format 1. encode json request using bas64 2. Call an encryption api on encoded request JHF Remmelzwaal can you please help
  • Load Runner 2022 R2 - No Events getting recorded using HTTP protocol. Tried recording with Chrome and Edge.Application is not getting launched and its keep running for longer time. The events number is increasing, howevthe traffic is not getting generated...

    Hello Team, While recording the script on Load runner 2022 R2 using chrome or edge browser, I'm facing below issues 1. Sometimes events are increasing, however the application is not getting launched using both the browsers. 2. Also, using web browser…
  • How to write Selenium output to vUser Log file

    Good Morning All, I was able to successfully start a Selenium script in LRE as a load test. In Selenium, an output in the form of “System.out.println(”.....“);” is defined in various places. Unfortunately, I cannot find this output in the vUser log…
  • Video: How to Get AWS Secret Key to Use for LoadRunner

    How to Get AWS Secret Key to Use For LoadRunner TRANSLATE with x English Arabic Hebrew Polish Bulgarian Hindi Portuguese Catalan Hmong Daw Romanian Chinese Simplified Hungarian Russian Chinese…
  • Transaction Name and SLA using

    Hi, GIVEN : 1. There is script in TRUCLIENT with several transactions in the format: <Index>.<TransactionName> 00.Login_ModernUI_Time 01.001K_1K_from_PROMPT_to_LOTSTODAY_Lots_Table_Display_Time_01Lot 02.001K_1K_from_LOTSTODAY_to_LOTREPORT_SummaryTable_Display_Time_01of01Lot…
  • sap gui protocol cannot be record on 64bit application in single mode

    Unable to see the start recording option showing the below error message. we have SAP GUI 8.00
  • How to handle custom request which is showing 400 Bad request while replay

    I am trying to send the below request as shown in the screenshot. Though i have give the required headers, content type etc. as required by the request while replay the request body is send in unknown language where as the same is recorded properly. Kindly…
  • Unable to download Controller - Controller is not available to download in the Community Edition Standalone Applications Package

    Hi there, I have signed up for free trial of LoadRunner and I was given the activation for of the following product: Product: LoadRunner Professional Product Name: LoadRunner Professional Evaluation Sub SW E-LTU Version: 24.1 I have downloaded…
  • Master peak traffic with performance testing

    Avoid decreased revenue, frustrated users, and damage to your company’s reputation by identifying and fixing issues ahead of time, Performance testing is a critical process in the software development life cycle. It helps identify an application’s responsiveness…
  • How to send cert details in TruClient protocol

    Hi, The below is the function which I use to send Cert details along with the REST API in Web HTTP Protocol which is already working. This is cert is placed on LG. web_set_certificate_ex ( "CertFilePath=D:\\LRE_Cert\\" …
  • LR supports Citrix ADC

    K.K. Ashisuto is a very important client of LR in Japan. They hope to officially support Citrix ADC. They have always paid close attention to this and submitted a related ER three years ago, hoping to support Citrix ADC as soon as possible.
  • LoadRunner Professional CE24.1 Controller issue

    The transaction names are provided in LoadRunner Scripts web/HTTP/HTML, and I can see them in the analysis file after the load test is completed. However, during the runtime load test execution, I am not seeing any stats in the controller (version LoadRunner…
  • Allow all checkboxes to be checked AGAIN in Loadrunner Controller to show all data for all transactions in realtime.

    Please re-allow all checkboxes (no just 20 max) to be selected to show real-time response time data during a performance test on the LoadRunner controller. This limit used to be in place many versions ago, then it was removed for a good period of time…
  • Allow for Certificate Signing Request (CSR) process in order to setup secure comms (https/ssl/tls) between the Controller and all Generators.

    Allow for Certificate Signing Request (CSR) process in order to setup secure comms (https/ssl/tls) between the Controller and all Generators. Currently the controller and generators use self-signed certificates to attempt to secure the comms out of the…