during my job at many customers, I often see acceptance goes together with speed and confidence to a given job.
Having this in mind, I asked my self, why does a “zac pap” takes so long and aren’t there ways to accelerate things?
Now, what I mean is this:
I assume, there are many patch-policies to many different vendors.
I already created dynamic groups containg only machines for a given product and associated these groups instead of the workstation-container, which accerlated a zac pap strongly becauce no patch-policy for products that are not installed on a given machine have to be started by zac pap.
..once a patch-scan has run, ZENworks “knows” exactly what a given machine needs for patching.
I of course don’t know what there might be needed, so the policy is set to “zac pap”.
But – if there are patch-policies to a given issue like this …
…, why can’t there be a way to tell the patch framework, “you only need to run these 2 policies instead of all, that are associated to a machine
only to find out the other 10 policies have "nothing to do" and consume only time?
So I am thinking of a command different than zac pap, which runs all associated patch-policies that contains "Not Patched" patches.
Something like perhaps zac pop (patch-open-patches) or zac pnp (like patch-not-patched patches), which would only run the shown open patch-policies instead of all.
This would accerlate things tremendously until the point, when there is nothing to do, because no open patch was determined.
I hope I was able to transport my thought.
"The only two mistakes that can be done on ones way to championship is to not getting started and to not continue until the end."