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Advanced ZPM not completely enabling (I think)

I have two Zenworks (23.4) environments now, where despite having gone through all the steps, the "new" ZPM somehow doesn't completely activate. The most obvious sign that something is really totally off is the fact, that there isn't even a DAU Bundle at all. Also, after properly and fully enabling ZPM on the "new" Zone, the ZCM Agent Configuration was never changed to activate the Patch Management module.

One is an upgraded Zone from the legacy ZPM, the other has been enabled fresh for the first time on 23.4

I'm having a hard time to even find a place to start looking what is wrong here. 

CVE is configured, and syncs fine (according to the logs). I can rerun a full CVE run manually, and get the expected thousands and thousands of entries. Yet there is no sign of any patches anywhere whatsoever. Consequently, the Patch Management Dashboard also stays completely empty.

Where do I start?

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    As I had no better idea, I used the "Reset ZENworks Patch Management" option in Configuration > Security > Patch Server Configuration, at that (after running through the ZPM configuration again) at least had done the trick to get the DAU Bundles to show up in ZCC. Now testing if workstations will work too....

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    Good Troubleshooting.....

    One if the first places I always look is to see if the DAU Bundle has run...And of course if it does not exist....that would be a huge reg flag.

    Not sure why resetting was necessary, but how it operates is different enough and the policies different enough that starting from scratch is not a bad idea.


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    I have now verified that this indeed did the trick. Somehow, initially enabling ZPM on that server must not have worked. After all, enabling ZPM does a *lot*. Like actually creating and filling the ZPM folder with the necessary bundles and folders, which on this server hadn't happen.
    Now, of course, I'm curious what processes are supposed to run when ZPM enables, and how to debug them. That resetting worked to fix it is nice, but it doesn't explain or help for the future knowing why and what had failed.

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    Reset just wipes all the ZPM tables and settings forcing you to start fresh.  If ZPM was upgraded from an old version, there is quite a bit internally that takes place to try and covert settings from the old to the new method.  Maybe the conversion was failing.  Due to how different things work, resetting is not a bad idea, though you may want a record of all old policy settings so you can try to replicate, though with differences in how things work this will never be exact


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    Well, that server/zone I was on never had the old ZPM activated. It *is* a Server with a bit of upgrade history, but ZPM is/was completely new on it.