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How can we check if a given application can be checked for patches?

i.e. is a given application in the patches feed for ZPM?

Thinking two situations:

 - Pre-installation, at least for a given server running said applications. Will all our bases covered?

 - agent already installed, wanting to check that we will see if there are new patches for a given application

Thinking of GroupWise as an example. Is there a newer GMS than we have running?


Andy of in Toronto
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    Are you lookinig for this...Which is a list of all products that ZPM supports patching?

    ZPM will not do anything before installing the agent........After installing it can check for applications that are supported in the feed.

    If a product is not in the feed, the Ideas page can be used to request new products to the need.


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    That is what I had found already, and figured it was just a light top layer as it didn't have vendors I've seen show up in ZPM patches to apply

    Specifically, it didn't show the Micro Focus or now OpenText OES Client when there were some issues with it.

    No mention of Micro Focus or OpenText as vendors with feeds in that document (even looked for Novell ;)  so there is a mismatch


    Andy of in Toronto
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    AFAIK, there are not any there.  In general, the list is primarily software where the updates can be accessed w/o the need of any User/ID or password to the software update sites.  I believe there may be a few exceptions but not many.


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    To clarify, the zen patch channel should in fact show the client for open enterprise server.  I've had to nudge a number of times to have it bumped as patch partner missed latest releases.

    The versioning is weird, it doesn't match the marketing version we are used to, I believe it's linked to an internal dll for some reason.


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    And it is now listed in the PDF Above....

    (Not sure if an Omission was Fixed or I simply missed it in the list.)


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    Fixed.  It wasn't there on the copy I saved when you first posted it (Labelled August 2023, vs now January 2024)

    So you hadn't missed anything (at least in this instance ;)

    and since I had mentioned a product that is hidden in SLD, not surprising it doesn't show up.

    All much clearer now,  Thank you


    Andy of in Toronto
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