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lm.detection only generate less lines

Hi All

    I have upgraded ZCM2020.3 and using old ZPM function (Because still has some old agent , these OS could not upgrade to Net4.8)

now I fine some agent could not detect result to Primary Server.

the lm.detection like below

the another same OS (Win2012R2 and using 2017.2 agent ) the lm.detection show more information like below.

I think whether the old agent issue...I install another win2016 clear OS and get the same issue...

at previous discuss....craig provide ZPM has workaround patch which provide basic SSU (now I saw the workaround only keep 2021)

I gry to deploy workaround SSU patch

But as tbove screenshot , the ZPM still could not show the correct unpatch list (I have enable all windows critial CU and SSU patch)

Whther it still has extra requirement to collect correct Patch report?


