Idea ID: 2788764

ZCM should expose an API

Status: Waiting for Votes

Waiting for Votes

See status update history

For integration, automation and reporting purposes, ZCM should expose its objects and methods available via ZCC in a documented, uniform API / web service, similar to the Groupwise REST API (

Our ZCM-managed environment is in a mid-sized university with ~1,500 managed workstations and a couple of servers. We have multiple independent ZCM zones for bundle / deployment testing and production, are installing and managing AD-joined Windows Desktops, Windows Servers and Linux Servers. Windows machine deployments are supported by the ENGL deployment toolkit, Linux hosts are deployed via the netinstall and installer automation methods of the respective distribution in use. The organization is decentralized with departmental admins having full responsibility over their infrastructure.

In our effort to streamline deployments for student labs and faculty staff, we use "deployment control" meta-bundles with "Install Bundle" actions to define an installation order for bundles upon initial deployment. We do not use the application window / launcher or user-assigned bundles.
This process is working well enough that "initial deployment" actually may be performed several times a year in a lab if the list of bundles undergoes significant changes. Bundle authors benefit hugely from this process as they mostly do not have to test for regressions on upgrades, uninstalls, reinstalls and uncommon / undefined software combinations.

Striving for full automation and decentralization of administration, we had demands from users which we could not implement due to limitations of the current automation interface (zman really) or role and security model:
- creation / modification of Preboot Services Hardware Rules and Registration Rules for integration with our IP address management solution
- copying of bundles referencing other bundles (either as an "Install Bundle" action or as a dependency) between independent zones
- automation of wrap-ups of bundles assigned to a container into a "deployment control" meta-bundle with "Install Bundle" actions
- automation of synchronization of containers and their properties (e.g. setting ZCM folder system variables based on AD OU's attributes) between our AD OU structure and the ZCM folder structure
- reporting for unused bundles and subsequent deletion automation
- delegation of control for select ZCC functionality to department administrators where either the administrators are unable to cope with the complexity of the ZCC or the role model does not allow for specific delegation to anyone but Super Administrators

In addition, I have noted a number of ideas already published on this site which could be implemented easily if an API exposing the respective properties and methods were available. Following a colelction from the latest 80 ideas here:

Bundle Requirements - Specified devices List - Import/Export
Report that shows what Admin groups a ZCC Administrator are in and what rights those groups have -
Bulk-add Discovery Tasks (via zman) -
Need zman command to grab contentfile name along with bundle ... -
zman options for patch policies -