If I am in the ZCM Console and find a certain person, I can see into which devices this person is logged into. So far no news. A few months ago I had the following issue: a manager forgot his laptop and left it in the airplane. Yes, its not clever but things happen....
The next day he reclaimed his device by the flying operator and got the question “if you can tell the serial number then we are 100% sure that you are the owner” So I got the question: give me the serialnumber..... I found the user in ZCM and saw that there was nothing standing at “devices logged into”
Request: is it possible to create something like “this person has logged in the passed in the following devices”. This would have made my life easier.
Kind regards,
William Biemans
Wuppermann Staal Nederland BV
Tel: +31 (0)168 357190