• Using ZENworks ZCC Helper and Remote Management Viewer simultaneously

    My office will be transitioning from ZCC 11.4 to ZCC 20.2. During this transition, admins will need to use Remote Management Viewer 11.4 to access devices in the ZCC 11.4 environment while also using ZCC Helper 20.2 for devices in the ZCC 20.2 environment…
  • IMG.EXE not found in ZENworks 11.4.3 WinPE preboot.

    Hi! Why does the img.exe command not exist in WinPE imported into ZENworks 11.4.3? The image capture and restore tool runs, but the IMG.EXE file does not appear to have been injected into WINPE.WIM. I couldn't identify what I could have done differently…
  • Collection Queues and Upgrade

    Good morning My customer has a question regarding the upgrade to ZCM 2017/2020 from 11.4.3, please see the following: Customer has a question regarding their upgrade plans. Please see the following: After doing some looking around it appears…
  • Copy/move primary-server install location to new volume

    As we prepare to upgrade ZENworks from 11.4.3 to 2017u4, we need to expand the partition which ZENworks installed to, so that it has the specified minimum of 20GB free space before the upgrade begins. (This is separate from the content repo; that's on…
  • ZCM 11.4.3 Primary Servers in different subnets?

    Hi, I am being subjected to an external contractor firm tasked by the senior executive with migrating our server fleet from on-prem to Azure and one of our ZENworks Primary servers has been placed in-scope for this pilot (ASR) process. Are there any implications…
  • Safe to delete old tftp-*.zip files?

    As our content repo volumes are nearly out of disk space, I'm going in looking to identify what we can remove to free up space, as a first step before trying to throw more storage resources at the problem. (We currently run ZENworks 11.4.3, and are on…
  • Corrupted pkgdb.db

    Good morning, Customer reported an issue with the following: When patching the xxP-xx1-Nxxxx4 server. It applied the SLES11-SP4-Updates-bundle but failed the OES2015-SP1-Updates-bundle with the following error: Error processing Action…
  • How to add a self-correct option for a bundle

    I have created a new software bundle to install Citrix WorkSpace 19.7 The program gets installed/Un-installed correctly through the assignment of the bundle to a device using ZENworks. I have a question how to deploy the bundle the best way, given the…
  • install without login

    Hi All, We are trying to install office 365 onto workstations. Manual push of the uninstall and install bundles works properly. We created a bundle to uninstall the existing office installation reboot then login and install the new version office. Uninstall…
  • How to edit hkcu branch entries.

    Hi All, How does one remove entries from the hkcu component of the registry in windows 10. I need to remove the profile for outlook. The zenworks console shows entries for hklm and adding branches etc is ok. I can't workout how to remove a entry from…
  • ZCM: Many BundleManager Errors (File copy failures, Machine Connection failures)

    Hi, I have activated alerting (Error level only) but am now getting hundreds of alerts every day containing messages as shown below and am wondering where i go to troubleshoot the failures as there doesn't seem to be any info in the errors on what the…
  • Install of 2nd Primary Server 11.4.1 from base iso has version Sys Update warning

    Hi, I am new to ZEN administration but have been tasked with urgently moving our ZCM 11.4.1 (on expirying W2k8 OS) to a new platform (W2016). Using the Novell instructions on adding a second Primary Server (in order to remove the existing Primary Server…
  • ZCM 2017 update 1 2 3 4 bug 1134324

    Hello, i am in the process of upgrading to ZCM 2017. I have upgrade my appliance from 11.4.3 to 17.2.0. It worked so far. Now in the Control Center i see my primary as ZCM . When looking for Systemupdates in Control Center i see all updates from…
  • Problems with Image deploy via PXE and Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5762

    We have many HP 705 G1 Microtower here on our campus. (100 pcs) The network card is a Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5762 Gigabit Ethernet Controller. If we start Imaging in our paedML Novell 11.x with these PCs then Imaging works only from time to time. (win_7…
  • Problem changing Certificate on satellite servers

    Hi everyone! Last month we decided to move to external CA from internal. After importing the external root CA, I have generated CRS-s with ZENworks built-in CSR generator (Configuration/Certificates) for 2 primary and 3 satellite servers. I've signed…
  • Problems Upgrading to Zenworks 2020

    Attempted to upgrade our Zenworks 2017 SP4.1a to 2020 this weekend. When I reached the point of entering the Zone Admin credentials, I used my normal LDAP login from edirectory and was told the info was incorrect. I saw the default username was Administrator…
  • ZCM 2020 Oracle Support

    We are running ZCM 17.4.1 on SLES12.3 and Oracle RAC and are planning an upgrade to ZCM 2020. In zen_installation.pdf documentation I found, that ZCM 2020 doesn't support Oracle 11.x I found also following entries in the Documentation: In Unit…
  • Remint server certificates

    Hi! I just successfully applied the iOS 13 patch on our ZCM 17.4.0 appliances. I understand from discussions and the document describing the issue that the mdm server certificate should be reminted after the patch has been applied (however the readme…
  • Export ZCM Group policy

    Is there a way to Export a ZCM Windows Group Policy out to an xml file or some other format? Thanks, Andrew
  • Mac support?

    I have browsed the documentation for anything on Mac OSX, but I find almost nothing there! Somewhere it is stated that there is support for Mac OSX but I can find no details on just how that support works (except for the imaging bit). Still not proper…
  • 2020 released or not?

    I'm confused. I see FDE 2020 in the customer center, but no ZCM 2020. Also, if it's released, is there *any announcement anywhere? Or have we gone the next step of stealth marketing? P.S: The available tags here don't quite do it.
  • Chrome version 78 doesn't play well with Zenworks 2017

    Since upgrading past Chrome version 75 when accessing our zenworks web interface it will load the login screen and allow you to login but then it just sits there with the loading wheel and not do anything further. But if you refresh the page after that…
  • Migrate to 2017 on Windows to Zenworks 2020 appliance

    Looking to see if it is possible to migrate from Zenworks 2017 U4 (Embedded Database) on Windows (2012 r2) to the 2020 Virtual Appliance? Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall a previous version had a migration option. Thanks, Mark
  • ZENworks 11 migration to 2020

    I'm looking for a little guidance on upgrading our ZENworks system. We are currently on ZCM 11 SP4, with Sybase DB (embedded); SLES11SP3 and 3 primary servers. We have about 2800 users and 1400 devices. I have read through the docs that are currently…
  • How to install a appropriate PostgreSQL-DB for 2017SP4?

    I want to migrate ZCM 2017SP4 from external Sybase DB to PostgreSQL DB. I read documentation and do so. I have a new SLES12SP4, mount the ISO ZENworks2017a.iso and run ./setup.sh -c There I can choose a language (This is only the setting for the install…