Repeating errors on Workstations that appear to block patching

3 times a day on many systems are getting the following error
The following files/directories in "File Removal Action" action could not be removed due to an error - C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\ZENworks/zpm/*.*
Related Objects:    /Bundles/ZPM/DAU/Discover Applicable Updates WINDOWS-x64

and none show patches needed or have a reboot pending, even when they haven't been reboots in over a week. (and there were clearly new patches applicable since.)

Ideas for further troubleshooting?
Things to look on one of those workstations if I can get my paws on one of them?

ZCM 24.4 appliance with the 24.4 agents rolled out to all involved.


Andy of in Toronto
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    Hi Andy

    I've been here and still suffering with this on devices, so looks like files getting locked so DAU can't delete the files have logged case and CPE but its not been resolved so I ended up creating a workaround bundle to target the machines that come up with the error as its a one of thing as device swap from legacy feed to advanced feed.

    We created a bundle with a launch script of this which runs as the secure system user and do not wait

    net stop "Novell ZENworks Agent Service"
    TIMEOUT /T 45
    taskkill /IM "ZenworksWindowsService.exe" /F
    taskkill /IM "Analyze.exe" /F
    del /s /q "%zenworks_home%\zpm\*"
    rmdir /s /q "%zenworks_home%\zpm\"
    net start "Novell ZENworks Agent Service"
    TIMEOUT /T 45
    Zac ps --complete

    then requirement of which mirrors the DAU step that is failing

    Folder / File Exists | %ZENWORKS_HOME%/zpm/STCore.dll | No

    We then deploy this on refresh to devices and that has helped us clear up the errors.

    Hope that helps



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    Interesting given it appears that all these systems were created well after we moved from the legacy feed.

    I'll give this a try later after some meetings when I can focus on it.


    Andy of in Toronto
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    Spencer/Andy please make new cases and send me the numbers....

    I will have Dev take a look at it again...It looks like Dev closed the case because Spencer had a work-around.


    I'm looking back now and the delete folder has a  SYSREQ for STCORE.DLL to exist.  Old emails indicated this was only supposed to exist for the old feed agent and we wanted to clean up the old ZPM folder which had different files.  However, I certainly see that file existing in new systems, so the folder delete would run every time.

    I'm not sure if the file was re-introduced or what since I last looked at this issue last May.

    We need Development to re-analyze the issue and bundle.


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    Make sure to get me the SR....Multiple SRs will help alleviate Development Pushback....


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