Problems upgrading to ZENworks 24.4 agent

Our zone is upgraded to 24.4 - no problem - but upgrading agents is problematic. So far, only 5 of 16 attempts have been successful.

  • At the time of the upgrade, no user was logged into Windows
  • We're upgrading from 23.4 -> 24.4
  • After the failed message and a computer restart, the ZENworks updater service shows upgraded to, but the agent remains on

I have logs from a failed agent: The error to the user says 'Errors were encountered, see the logs', but the system-update log only says [DEBUG] [01/11/2025 10:32:29.396] [6780] [ZENUpdater] [] [SYSTEM] [SystemUpdate] [] [DEBUG] [An error occurred during command execution...details should have already been logged] There are no other mentions of 'error' in that log, so I'm not sure where to look next?

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    Hi, I  have experience similiar behaivors. It was the case with updates from 23.4 and 24.2 to 24.4. 

    Fist I saw that failures updating all the satellites from 24.2 to 24.4 where it was a 50/50 chance it went successfull. The "fix" was pretty simple:
    Try it again, again and again, until it went sucessfull.

    Same thing just happend with updating the zenworks agent running on a server: It failed round about 3-4 times and just this morning I saw the "Update Complete".
    Overall the update here for the agent in the zone works pretty fine, from a scheduled deployment with round about 200 devices in a first round 4 had failed status but all got "fixed" with the redeploy of update.

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    Hi Bruce

    looks like something to do FDE as can see fatal error during that install in the FDE log as thats the last log other that super-update.log, 

    MSI (s) (94:44) [10:32:29:280]: Product: Novell ZENworks Full Disk Encryption-x64 -- Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action CallFDEPrerequisiteCheckerAtInstall, location: C:\Windows\TEMP\{E9FEFF9C-BD0A-4EDB-A803-D84B27CA6FDB}\, command: "C:\Windows\TEMP\{E9FEFF9C-BD0A-4EDB-A803-D84B27CA6FDB}\\FdePrequisiteChecker.exe" -in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\ZENworks\zuper\work\microfocus-zenworks-agent-fde-win-x86_64-\dmi.ini"

    in event viewer and application log do you see something like this ?

    hope that helps



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    Yes...the logs clearly show FDE.

    This is generally caused by both having FDE and Bitlocker enabled on the same device.  Either Configure FDE to not be installed on the device via the ZCC or Disable Bitlocker.  Neither product supports multiple Full Disk Encryption Products.


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    Hi Spencer and Craig,  thanks for pointing us in the right direction.  My event logs show two things: "Returning from ZFDE_Prerequisite_Checking with: -901 - BITLOCKER_ENABLE"  and "Error 1722.  There is a problem with this Windows Installer Package.  A program run as part of the setup did not finish.  Contact the package vendor."    When I go to the control panel on that machine it appears Bit Locker is not active/enabled.  Have you seen these errors before?   Thanks,  -Pete at HCC

  • Suggested Answer

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    That screen is VERY misleading.  It shows that your C: Drive is Bitlocker Encrypted.  That is what "Waiting for Activation" means.  At this point, it does not yet require a "KEY" to decrypt it.  Once "activated" it will become "Locked" and need a Key to decrypt. 

    Towards the end there are some tips on how to automate the decrypting devices stuck in this "encrypted pre-locked" state so that ZCM FDE can enable the drive.


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