ZENworks 23.4 DB Migration Error

Good morning, 

I have a testing environment, to mimic what my customer has, I have 2 ZENworks 23.4 Servers , and utilizing the embedded PostGres SQL DB, I'm attempting to use the  DB migration tool v2.zip.zip as I have built out an PostGres SQL server, and I was able to successfully log into the application, it looks like it begins the process but when I come to the section, 

Enter the target database type for the ZENworks database:
1-( ) Embedded PostgreSQL
2-(*) External PostgreSQL

Enter a value (1 - 2) to change the selection state. Pressing the Enter key
without entering a number finalizes your selections:

The source and destination database types cannot be the same.

I select value number 2, for the External DB, but it throws the above error, 

The source and destination database types cannot be the same.

The Source is the Embedded and the Target would be the External, not sure why it's doing this, has anyone else come across this error before? Any clues how to get past this, as this is a testing lab if it doesn't work I can always just rebuild from scratch. 

Thank you, 


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    I'd recommend an SR.  If nothing else to help correct various Documentation and Download links.

    The official Docs point to an incorrect download location that no longer work.  The version of the DM Migration tool on the 23.4 downloads is outdated and points to v2 when v7 is the current version.

    I'm not sure v7 will fix your issue, but random ideas since not much info was given...

    1. I presume the "External" DB is not actually on the same server.  I've actually seen folks install 'External DBs' directly on the Primary Server.  (One of those...Sorry I had to ask despite how silly.
    2. Does zZENServer Roles table have the DB Role for your "Internal DB"?  Does "zman dgcs" work when run on the Primary that is the internal server? (One or both may not align if the DB was ever migrated from one internal server to another or the appliance was replaced.)


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    Good morning, Craig

    I just looked on the SLD site, and the download that is available for the Migration is V2, are you saying that there should be a V7 of this tool? This was the date on that file 23U4Feb24 2024-02-01 

    Correct the External DB is on a separate SLES15-SP4 server

     Out put of zman dgcs

    zman dgcs


    Database User Name : zenpxxxgxxx
    Database Password : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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    Good afternoon,

    I ended up just recreating the environment, as this is a testing lab it seemed more effort than was really required, for the point that I was at in this instance. Thank you so much for your inputs. I still would have to ask that since the SLD is offering only v2 of the DB tool and you mentioned that there is a version 7 how can the SLD be updated, or at least how can I obtain the version 7 release of the DB tool?

    Thank you, 
