If you go to Downloads in the SLD page and select ZCM you will find a version 24.1 . But if you look at the available downloads for this version you get the download for the update of OES to OES24.1, which has nothing to do with zenworks.
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If you go to Downloads in the SLD page and select ZCM you will find a version 24.1 . But if you look at the available downloads for this version you get the download for the update of OES to OES24.1, which has nothing to do with zenworks.
I see the same, and sure looks the same file that is offered for OES.
Andy of KonecnyConsulting.ca in Toronto
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That would be ZENworks Service Desk. You are most likely entitled to a free "2 User" Version. That is actually more useful than it sounds for many, since that is for the number of Techs you define not customers So 2 IT Techs and 1000 users could use it fine. And if course, humans could share an IT Tech role.
That is the only version of ZENworks with a 24.1 version.....
Most others will have 24.2 and 24.4 releases....Service Desk may have one every quarter
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And to be clear....I can't say for sure what folks are entitled too, but many folks who do not explicitly buy ZSD, get the 2 User version included with other legacy Novell products.
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It could be, that I am entitled to Zenworks service desk. But the file you can download has nothing to do with Zenworks at all, it is - as already stated the update to OES 24.1, which you can find in OES under vcersion 24.1 too. I downloaded this file and it is exactly the file for the OES update.
oh ok....nm then....I thought the question was why a ZENworks file would be under OES Entitlements and tossed out a theory.
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Looks like you got smacked by Murphy ;)
Interesting how we see ONLY that OES file after selecting either: ZCM|ZESM, ZCM|ZESM per user, 24.1
and that I am still seeing this more than 24 hours later on multiple customers.
Can you prod on your level?
Andy of KonecnyConsulting.ca in Toronto
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other way around - there's an OES 24.1 file under the zenworks (ZCM and ZESM) entitlement. I was quite confused at first, and thought maybe there was a Zenworks 24.1 that I couldn't see, it was giving me the wrong file.
your answer does confirm though that there is no Zenworks 24.1 that we're missing out on, it's just the OES 24.1 update that got linked in the wrong place.