We have a ZCM 2020 U1 server (running on SLES, not Appliance) we are a bit behind and are attempting to upgrade. We think the correct path to upgrade is:
2020 U1 -> 2020 U2 (via .iso/media)
2020 U2 -> 23.4 via system updates
23.4 (SLES) -> 23.4 Appliance via backup/restore (unsure about this, we haven't located a 23.4 appliance download)
We have 23.4 & 23.3 listed in system updates today, they have been downloaded to the server.
We conduct the upgrade to 2020 U2 without issue and can login, server seems healthy, but going further has not been working in our off-line lab tests.
We first tested 2020 U2 -> 23.4, System Update Status stopped at 99% and never completed - waited overnight, reset test VM and tried again. The last entry in system-update.log was "Triggered ZeUS Refresh. Exit Code: 0"
A manual zac ref from the server console works & opening the Zenworks Agent on the Server GUI shows it running 23.4 with a recent server contact time.
https://SERVER_HOST_OR_IP:7443 never works, there's not response/page times out.
netstat -nl | grep 7443 returns nothing listening
docker ps shows zenadmin-mgmt running
systemct status microfocus-zenadmin-mgmt shows service running.
We can't manage to login to the new ZCC Management site, it's like it's not listening at all. Temporarily stopping the firewall and server reboots do not help.
For troubleshooting, we tried 2020 U2 -> 23.3 and had similar results, last system-update.log does a ZeUS Refresh, then nothing more & nothing listing/responding on 7443. The only behavior difference is
the System Update Status never showed progress (the page loads, but never showed an update was in process - maybe we refreshed it too late and it was done?).
Are we doing the steps incorrectly or in the wrong order?
Any idea what we should look at to figure out why the ZCC management isn't working even though docker & systemctl show it should be running?
Thank you,