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Windows Feature Update and ZCM Agent login Issue

I am dealing with an issue where the ZCM agent will not show user specific bundles after a Windows feature update. When you go the Technician Application area, you see "Logged In As: Not Logged In".

My situation:
Windows 10 x64 Education version 1709 - updated through WSUS from Windows 10 x64 Education version 1607
ZCM 2017 - user logged in before the feature update but after feature update no user login
Domain/eDir hybird login-login to domain and then pass credentials to OES Client and ZCM agent
Computer based bundles and applications work fine, user based are not work at all.

Here is what I have tried so far.
1. Updated ZCM agent to ZCM2017U1 and that seems to fix the issue, but can not necessarily update all systems ZCM agents and OS at the same time.
2. Tried the tuning registry setting HKLM\software\novell\zcm\zenlogin\DisableZENCredientalProvider by changing it to both 0 and 1 and not change either time
3. Tried adding registry setting HKLM\software\novell\zcm\zenlogin\readcachedn with value of 0 - no change in behavior

I need to start updating system to version 1709 because updates for version 1607 will not last until after March 2018. Does anyone run into this issue or have registry settings that could try?
Any help would be appreciated!

Tim Overdorf
Cedarville University
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    Unfortunately, This is not a known issue.
    The only reported issues occurring after a Windows OS Upgrade is that sometimes an additional reboot or two is required....before all configured services are fully operational again.
    (This seems to impact even Non-ZCM Services...)

    Other than extra reboots after the upgrade.....You seemed to have covered most issues.
    You could test Uninstalling and Reinstalling the CASA MSIs to see if that helps.
    Clearly the agent Upgrade Re-installs SOMETHING.....or that is my guess more than it being an issue with the older version of the agent.....

    And Technically you COULD upgrade Both the Agent and the OS at the same time.......
    The OS Upgrade can actually be delivered via a bundle.....
    There is a cool solution showing how to create a custom bundle and deliver via ZPM....though the use of ZPM is not required for the solution.
    Bundle can have 2 actions....
    Action 1 - Upgrade OS
    Action 2 - Apply Stand-Alone Upgrade Agent.

    Alternately, you can have a bundle just push the stand-alone updater....
    Set to Force-Run with SYSREQ of Older Agent and Windows 1709.
    That way as soon as the OS upgrade is complete...the agent will then upgrade itself............


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    Working with our VAR for Microfocus, we were able to open an SR on this issue and found out that a bug was started Nov 9 and that this is a known issue. The tech said it was going to be fixed with ZCM 2017 Update 2 and they are working on a fix for current systems that are having this issue.

    Thanks for your help Craig!

    Tim Overdorf
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    Hi Tim,

    Does this issue just occur on Reboot?
    If you "Logoff" and "Logon" does it occur?
    Or does it happen if you reboot but logon as a DIFFERENT user than prior.

    Seem 1709 does some odd things on pure Reboots, where it actually re-logs on the prior user in the background and you are actually just "unlocking" versus doing a Logon.


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    Upon working on this issue with Microfocus, we found that the feature update to Windows 10 x64 1709 removed all references to any Microfocus login managers in the credential provider order on the system. The only way that was found to fix the issue was to reinstall the novell-zenworks-usermanagement-{ZCM agent version}.msi file after the update. You also have to set\create the registry setting DisableAutomaticRestartSignOn to 1 in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System.

    This is possible by using the /PostOOBE switch with the setup.exe file of the update that you are installing. EX {pathto}\Win10-1709\setup.exe /auto upgrade /quiet /PostOOBE {pathto}\setupcomplete.cmd. In that setupcomplete.cmd file you import the registry setting and run the usermanagement msi file. This file has to be the same version that is currently on the system. Make sure you use msiexec.exe /fvam ... so that file is reinstalled correctly and REBOOOT=ReallySuppress so that Microsoft controls the reboots.

    Hope this helps others since others have helped me in this forum.

    Tim Overdorf