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It’s easy to create and view your customized ZENworks Service Desk reports in ZENworks Reporting!


ZENworks Service Desk has hundreds of canned reports, yet, many of our customers often ask if there is an easy and interactive way to create custom reports in an on-demand way. Although ZENworks Service Desk has its own report builder, it lacks a modern look & feel and it doesn’t provide enough flexibility for self-service reporting using a drag-and-drop report builder. While we are looking forward to rehabilitating the reporting capability in ZENworks Service Desk as part of our Technician portal revamp, there is also an immediate solution provided by the ZENworks Reporting Domain for Service Desk. In this article, I’ll demonstrate to you how you can create your custom reports for your Service Desk attributes using a ZENworks Reporting Server.

Domain Configuration

First, you have to configure your ZENworks Service Desk domain allowing your ZENworks Reporting Server to get all the Service Desk metadata labels for your reporting data. To find your suitable domain and to know how to configure the same, please refer the cool solution: /collaboration/zenworks/w/zenworkstips/8102/micro-focus-service-desk-domain

Report Creation

Please go through the following steps to initiate your reporting:

  1. Login to your ZENworks Reporting Server and Create an Ad Hoc Views


  1. Select your Service Desk domain


  1. Choose Data from the available source. For example, select "Requests" and "Configuration" to create report related to request and its associated item.


  1. Now, if you want to create a chart-based report to see the number of tickets resolved by an individual team over the last year and if you want to group the tickets by Item-type, follow these steps:
  • Select Chart from the drop-down


  • Drag and Drop the metadata from “Measures” or “Fields” section - "Number of Requests" and "Item Type Name" for the Columns and "Assigned Team Name" for "Rows".



  • Add filters for date range and request status. To create a filter, right click on the metadata “Date Reported” and “Request Status” from the fields section and select "Create Filter". Set request status as "Closed - Resolved" and select a date range. Apply the filter.

Note: From the filter, you can select any Date range or any available Status


  • Under Filters -> Data Level move the Columns and Rows slider to maximum value to reveal all available rows and columns


  • Provide a title for the report and save the same. You can also export the report from the tool bar.


Note: This way, you can also create a fairly large report having too many parameters in a tabular form and set your own sort order to save the view.




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