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ZCM Rollout BLues

Hoo boy, this has been a trial. I've been trying to get a rollout of ZCM 10 done since early May. In between the normal goings on in an IT shop and my lack of training on ZCM (I think everyone can claim that one) It's been frustrating.
Novell has been pretty good about getting onto my service requests and showing me where I've made a left when it should have been a right. Right now, I'm killing some time waiting for somebody to get on the Bomgar Client for my latest issue. Why did I wait an hour for somebody to ask me if I wanted to be put in the queue? Now I'm on the second hour, chalk that up to one of the frustrations.
The transition from Windows machines on Active Directory to eDirectory with some SLED boxes mixed in is proving a very large task for two guys and one part timer. I'll try to keep this updated with news.

Currently, I'm up to ZCM 10.1.1 on everything but my primary server. (Hence the service request) and can't add any new machines due to some unspecified error killing the deploy process. Doesn't even log that it tried...

But it IS Friday.


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