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Compiling Scripts within the ZENworks Imaging Boot CD




  • Create a CD that automatically starts any process you like

  • Scripts can be stored on a relevant server to allow script changes easily

  • Scripts stored on server for greater security

  • Scripts found on CD are also installed into the ZEN partition on local hard disk when created


The ZENworks Imaging Boot CD includes the "initrd" file which contains the whole Linux operating system that loads when you boot from the CD.

To edit the ZENworks Imaging OS compressed inside the "initrd", it is not enough to just uncompress the file; you must also mount the file system to be able to make changes to anything within the file system.

The following article is designed to explain how to

  1. Uncompress the initrd

  • Mount the initrd

  • Make the required changes to the initrd

  • Unmount the initrd

  • Re-compress the initrd



Things you will need:

  • Linux box (in this scenario I am using SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10)

  • An ISO editor (I am using WinISO)

  • You should make note of whether your "bootcd.iso" file is from version ZDM7, ZDM6.5 SP2 or earlier

  • If using a "bootcd.iso" from ZDM6.5 SP2 or prior, then all scripts and modifications should be made as root

  • Create some directories that we will use throughout this process. The directories can be wherever you like, but for this example I will be using:





    /home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitrd (only used for ZDM6.5 SP2 and earlier "initrd")

Retrieve the initrd file

  1. First step is to get a copy of the "initrd" file from your "bootcd.iso".

  • Using an ISO editor, extract all the files from the "bootcd.iso" file to

  • Copy the "initrd" from:

    For ZDMv7.0 = "/home/<username>/Desktop/ZENimagingCD/boot/i386/loader/initrd"

    For ZDM6.5 SP2 and earlier = "/home/<username>/Desktop/ZENimagingCD/boot/loader/initrd"

    to "/home/<username>/Desktop/original_initrd/initrd"

Uncompress the initrd file

The following scripts will uncompress the "initrd" file to the "/home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitimg/point" directory.

If you are using a "bootcd.iso" from a ZDM7.0 or later then the "initrd" file has been created as a CPIO archive. For more information on this, see (

If you are using a "bootcd.iso" from a ZDM6.5 SP2 or earlier then you simply mount the "initrd".

Due to this difference, I have included two slightly different scripts. Please use whichever is appropriate for you.

Uncompress and mount initrd script for initrd ZDM7.0

# EXTRACT and EDIT "INITRD" (The Linux Filesystem)
cd /
# uncompress the initrd file
gunzip -c /home/<username>/Desktop/original_initrd/initrd > /home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitimg/initrd
# believe it or not the image is compressed
mkdir /home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitimg/point
cd /home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitimg/point
cpio -idm < /home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitimg/initrd
# make any changes you need to the initrd in "/home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitimg/point"

Uncompress and mount initrd script for initrd ZDM6.5 SP2 and earlier:

Note: Must run as root

# EXTRACT and EDIT "INITRD" (The Linux Filesystem)
cd /
gunzip -c /home/<username>/Desktop/original_initrd/initrd > /home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitimg/initrd
# believe it or not the image is compressed
cd /home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitimg
mkdir point
mount initrd point -o loop

You should now find that the entire ZEN imaging OS has been extracted to the "/home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitimg/point" directory.

Add your scripts to the OS

Add your scripts to "/home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitimg/point/bin" directory.

Note: if you have used a v6.5 or earlier "initrd", then you require root privileges to modify files within "/home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitimg/point".

One thing I have found in the past is that I often have to modify scripts as new images become available or other unforeseen changes occur. Saving my scripts to the CD meant that every time I changed a script I had to re-burn 7 CDs for the other technicians in the office. It also meant I had to complete this process over and over again.

I have since added only one additional script to the CD, ( which asks the user to authenticate to the ZEN server via eDirectory authentication, at which point it maps a scripts directory on the server where I store and run all my scripts.

This means no more re-burning CD's and I can easily modify and add scripts without repeating this process. Also if the CD goes missing, there is no confidential data stored on the CD.

This is the only script I store on the CD itself (

echo ===================== Please select an option to 1-9: ======================
echo 1. Install ZENimage Partition
echo 2. Set static IP address
echo 3. Connect to ZEN Server
echo x. Exit to bash prompt
#Common Variables
IP=<Insert Server IP address here>
SERVER=<Insert the name of the Server here>

if [ $SELECTION = 1 ]

if [ $SELECTION = 2 ]
echo Please follow the prompts to set a temporary static IP address.
echo Available addresses are:
echo "xxx Network (Building xxx)"
echo IP:, subnet mask:, Default Gateway:
echo "xxx Network (Rollout Room)"
echo IP:, subnet mask:, Default Gateway:
echo Please Enter the IP address:
echo Please enter the subnet mask:
echo Please enter the default gateway:
ifconfig eth0 $STATICIP netmask $SUBNETMASK
route add default gw $DEFAULTGW dev eth0
echo Please try pinging a local server to test network connection, then type to launch Humanities Imaging script again.

if [ $SELECTION = 3 ]
test -d $IMGDIR && echo Already connected to $SERVER && $SCRIPTDIR/ && $SCRIPTDIR/ && exit
echo Connecting to $SERVER...
test ! -d /mnt/$SERVER && mkdir /mnt/$SERVER
test ! -d $MOUNTPOINT && mkdir $MOUNTPOINT
echo Please enter a $SERVER username:
mount -o username=$USERNAME //$IP/zen $MOUNTPOINT
test -d $IMGDIR && echo Successfully connected to $SERVER as: $USERNAME && $SCRIPTDIR/ && exit
echo Invalid username or password. Please try again.

if [ $SELECTION = x ]
echo Please type to launch Humanities Imaging script again.


Now that you have stored your script within the bin directory (and have made sure it has appropriate executable rights), you can unmount your "/home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitimg/point" directory and recompress your "initrd".

The above process has now given you the ability to launch your script from the bash prompt once the CD has loaded.

You can also modify the ZENworks Imaging menu screen that automatically loads on boot.
I have changed our menu to give me an additional "Humanities Script" option which has also been set to load automatically after the specified time-out period.

Modify the ZENworks Imaging Menu

This part of the process is very easy; only two files need to be modified.

  1. Firstly, using your favourite text editor open:


  • If you scroll to the very bottom of this script, you will see the following:

    if [ $mode = '2' ] ; then
    # auto (2)
    /bin/bash -rcfile /bin/bashrc -c "/bin/imaging.s boot"
    elif [ $mode = '3' ] ; then
    # lilo (3) - enable - disable
    /bin/bash -rcfile /bin/bashrc -c "/bin/lilo.s boot"
    elif [ $mode = '5' ] ; then
    # manual (5)
    /bin/bash -rcfile /bin/bashrc -c "/bin/prompt.s boot"
    elif [ $mode = '6' ] ; then
    # Humanities (6)
    /bin/bash -rcfile /bin/bashrc -c "/bin/ boot"
    elif [ $mode = '4' ] ; then
    # install (4)
    /bin/bash -rcfile /bin/bashrc -c "/bin/install.s boot"
    # config (7)
    /bin/bash -rcfile /bin/bashrc -c "/bin/config.s boot"

    /bin/bash -rcfile /bin/bashrc

    This script tells the CD how to boot up according to the selection you made on the ZENworks Imaging Menu.

  • We will simply add the three lines to give the menu an extra option:
    elif [ $mode = '6' ] ; then
    # Humanities (6)
    /bin/bash -rcfile /bin/bashrc -c "/bin/ boot"

  • Save and close this file.

Now that the CD knows how to boot your script, we must edit the menu file that allows you to select your script from the ZEN imaging menu.

This file is found back in:


  1. Again, open this file with your favourite text editor and make the following change:
    default linux

    label Humanites
    kernel linux
    append initrd=initrd ramdisk_size=67584 vga=0x0314 splash=silent mode=6 CDBOOT=YES showopts

    label linux
    kernel linux
    append initrd=initrd ramdisk_size=67584 vga=0x0314 splash=silent mode=2 CDBOOT=YES showopts

    label manual
    kernel linux
    append initrd=initrd ramdisk_size=67584 vga=0x0314 splash=silent mode=5 CDBOOT=YES showopts

    label config
    kernel linux
    append initrd=initrd ramdisk_size=67584 vga=0x0314 splash=silent mode=7 CDBOOT=YES showopts

    label install
    kernel linux
    append initrd=initrd ramdisk_size=67584 vga=0x0314 splash=silent mode=4 CDBOOT=YES showopts

    label lilo
    kernel linux
    append initrd=initrd ramdisk_size=67584 vga=0x0314 splash=silent mode=3 CDBOOT=YES showopts

    label disable
    kernel linux
    append initrd=initrd ramdisk_size=67584 vga=0x0314 splash=silent mode=3 DISABLEZEN=1 CDBOOT=YES showopts

    label enable
    kernel linux
    append initrd=initrd ramdisk_size=67584 vga=0x0314 splash=silent mode=3 ENABLEZEN=1 CDBOOT=YES showopts

    implicit 1
    gfxboot bootlogo
    display message
    prompt 1
    timeout 200
    readinfo 2
    framebuffer 1

    Note: All I have done is copied the first entry (labeled Linux), changed the label to display "Humanities" and changed the "mode" to = 6 (which is what we set in the "/home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitimg/point/bin/zenworks.s")

    Changing the "default linux" at the very top of this file to "default Humanities" will make my script launch automatically.

  • Save and close this file

Now all the changes have been made you are ready to unmount and re compress the "initrd" file.

Unmount/Re-compress initrd

Unmount and re-compress initrd script for initrd ZDMv7.0:

# Remake modified "initrd"
cd /
find /home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitimg/point/ | cpio -o > /home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitimg/initrd
gzip --best /home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitimg/initrd
mv /home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitimg/initrd.gz /home/<username>/Desktop/final_initrd/initrd
chmod 777 /home/<username>/Desktop/final_initrd/initrd

Unmount and re-compress initrd script for initrd ZDM6.5 SP2 and earlier:

Note: Must run as root

# Remake modified "initrd"
cd /
mkdir /home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitrd
dd if=/dev/zero of=initrd bs=1k count=60960
mke2fs -i 1024 -b 1024 -m 5 -F -v initrd
mount initrd /home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitrd -t ext2 -o loop
cp -av /home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitimg/point/* /home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitrd
umount /home/<username>/Desktop/cdinitrd
gzip --best initrd
mv initrd.gz /home/<username>/Desktop/final_initrd/initrd
chmod 777 /home/<username>/Desktop/final_initrd/initrd

Now you should have the updated and re-compressed "initrd" file in the "/home/<username>/Desktop/final_initrd" directory.

Copy this file back to the ""bootcd.iso"" into the "/boot/i386/loader/" directory replacing the older version.

Also replace the:

ZDM v7.0: "\boot\i386\loader\isolinux.cfg"

ZDM6.5 SP2 or earlier: "\boot\loader\isolinux.cfg"

with "/home/<username>/Desktop/ZENimagingCD/boot/i386/loader/isolinux.cfg"

You are now ready to burn your CD and start using the new scripts.


Jeremy Mlazovsky

Correction: Leon's article worked just fine, with one exception.

When I used his tip for re-creating the cpio archive version of initrd, PXE booting would crash with a VFS error message.

I ran "file initrd" on the re-created initrd and compared the output to the unmodified initrd, and found that the cpio format is different (the unmodified version was in ASCII format and did not have CRC checking).

I found that if instead of using "cpio -o" you use "cpio -o -c" it works fine.


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