• Still many ZAVListener errors

    Hi, running 24.4 version and still getting huge number of ZAVListener errors ( 3010 , 1552 etc ) , I was hopping , that this will be fixed with new version. There are thousands of such messages in a system after only two months ( last clean up of system…
  • false positive files auto-restored by signature update

    I just had something very interesting happen, seems very clever but simple enough... Wednesday night the weekly Full Scan grabbed a couple of false-positive files from a CADD application on a few of the engineering computers. I saw the alert emails…
  • Recommended ZCM Anti-Virus Exclusions KB article

    Can we get updated version of this KB article https://portal.microfocus.com/s/article/KM000012421 ? Preferably without super old ZCM versions. Many thanks P.S. If we have ZAV, all these exlusions are already implemented ?
  • ZENworks Endpoint Security - Client Update: Error -1002

    Ever since yesterday all of our Devices are reporting Error -1002... Our Server is running on version 24.2 with FTF 186.
  • Again upstream servers busy

    Hi, anyone else has same problem with download of Antimalware signatures ? [ERROR] [06/05/2024 10:16:57.496] [59] [OnDemandContentProxy] [123] [zenworks] [ConcurrentCDNContentDownloader] [Not able to download the file from upstream servers. Probably…
  • ZESM antimalware license for partners

    2 years after debating this in RE: Antimalware Update Entitlement things are still the same, sometimes even worse with SLD not being available at all... Opened a License case on support portal and waiting patiently. not good. regs
  • All upstream servers busy ?

    I'm seeing this very often, last week I was pushed to restart ZEN servers to get the antimalware update working again. [ERROR] [03/18/2024 14:58:44.215] [59] [OnDemandContentProxy] [74789] [zenworks] [ConcurrentCDNContentDownloader] [Unable to acquire…
  • Email alerts, when virus is found

    Hi, customer is complaining about three things. 1 ) Email alert is useless, because it doesn't show that virus XY was found on Device name / IP , but only that SOMETHING is happening . Subsequent emails are only trash, because there is no helpful…
  • Problems reatriving data from antimalware clients and updating Zen antimalware client.

    Hello, we have a zenworks appliance version 20.3 with endpoint security enabled. all our zen agents/anti-malware are installed on windows 10. (also all licences are active and not expired). at first when everything was configured it was all working…
  • Antimalware Agent Update Task from Security Dashboard

    Hi, customer is on 23.3 and FTF 334 has very important update for AntiMalware. We installed the FTF, package was rebuild and nothing happened. I tried to force Agent update with Update Antimalware Agent task from Security Dashboard, but this doesn't…
  • Uninstall fail

    HI I havew a 2020.3 appliance server as for lab. I enable antimalware function for testing , a device I want to uninstall it...it show antimalware uninstall fail. I try to use agent clean tool...it also could not uninstall antimalware ...after reboot…
  • Anti-Malware on Terminal Server ?

    Looks like is not supported , but someone tried that ?
  • anti-malware agent on Windows 7?

    Why does ZENWorks Antimalware not allow install on Windows versions < 10, when the Bitdefender client it's using supports Windows 7 just fine? I had to go back and re-install Bitdefender on a few computers after I just got done removing it, but of course…
  • antimalware for win11/2022

    Hi All Now Whether we have new patch or FTF could let antimalware support Win11 Now I update my ZCM to FTF 1007...Win11 could receive update and could sue antimalware function...but agent could not return its information to show on ZCC. Wench…
  • Signature update errors -1008 and -1011

    Customer has very tight internet access filtering solution, because of that only way to update ZAV client is through Ondemand Content Master. He is getting randomly -1008 and -1011 errors during the day, update is successful in less than 25 % of attempts…
  • Antimalware Agent strange versions

    When I look on Windows devices is see multiple AntiMalware Versions like Antimalware Agent Version: Antimalware Agent Version: is on workstation,…
  • Exclusions in Antimalware Enforcement Policy and Custom Scan Policy

    Where should I put exclusions ? Into Antimalware Enforcement Policy or Custom Scan Policy, which one has precedence ?
  • ZavListener errors

    [ERROR] [13948] [ZavListener] [] [SYSTEM] [ZavOutput.log] [ProductEvent failure error: -1008] [ERROR] [] [] [] [ZENworks] Already reported in SR and got information, that the fix will be included in next update. Even I asked in which update, doesn…
  • Security Dashboards - AntiMalware

    Dashboard antimalware.device.malware.signature.version shows some versions, but customers asking for displaying "is the signature old or current ?" , is this possible ?
  • Antimalware UI change language

    Is there a way to change UI language centrally ( registry change for example )
  • Antimalware Cloud Services ?

    Most customers have regulated network environment, I´m testing Anti-Malware and getting error that user is at risk because, there is no access to Cloud Services. This doesn´t make sense, I have Ondemand Content Server , which is doing update proxy for…
  • Antimalware Update Entitlement

    Looks like getting license code is hard nut to crack. Most support persons doesn´t know that if you have ZESM you will get it for free. Second stage is trying to activate ZESM and update it to 2020.2, which will do nothing. Currently still no Antimalware…