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still daily: [ERROR] [6280] [ZavListener] [] [SYSTEM] [ZavOutput.log] [ProductEvent failure error: -1008] [ERROR] [] [] [] [ZENworks]

I'm running 23.3 with FTF 334 and still getting one or two of these errors almost every day on every workstation:

10/11/2023 12:32:45 PM -- [ERROR] [6280] [ZavListener] [] [SYSTEM] [ZavOutput.log] [ProductEvent failure error: -1008] [ERROR] [] [] [] [ZENworks]

It's not as bad as it was with 2020U2, but still annoying that I can't depend on a device showing in an error state actually meaning something and that I have to spend time cleaning up the errors every couple of days

Is there any fix for this?

  • 0  

    Same here, I battled with this some time ago, most occurrences fixed U3. 


  • 0   in reply to   

    For the error, make sure you ZAVCONFIGURE.DLL in the %ZENWORKS_HOME%\ZAV folder has updated.  Should be Dated September or later.  Until that is updated you can have some issues.  If it is not updating, that can be a point of discussion.

    Also vote for....

     Client Side Upload Filter for Errors 

    I think we really need to be able to filter out the uploading of errors.  By making it client side, it removes quite a bit of load from the server since a single device filtering itself will be a much lighter load than a server filtering for 1,000s or 10,000s of devices.  This way folks can define whatever spurious events they choose to not care about...


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  • 0   in reply to   

    For the error, make sure you ZAVCONFIGURE.DLL in the %ZENWORKS_HOME%\ZAV folder has updated.  Should be Dated September or later.  Until that is updated you can have some issues.  If it is not updating, that can be a point of discussion.

    Also vote for....

     Client Side Upload Filter for Errors 

    I think we really need to be able to filter out the uploading of errors.  By making it client side, it removes quite a bit of load from the server since a single device filtering itself will be a much lighter load than a server filtering for 1,000s or 10,000s of devices.  This way folks can define whatever spurious events they choose to not care about...


    If you found this post useful, give it a “Like” or click on "Verify Answer" under the "More" button

    Be sure to "Like" My (and a few others) Cool Solutions below!
