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Antimalware Cloud Services ?

Most customers have regulated network environment, I´m testing Anti-Malware and getting error that user is at risk because, there is no access to Cloud Services. This doesn´t make sense, I have Ondemand Content Server , which is doing update proxy for clients and I need access to Cloud Services ? Why ?



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    I don't know what is happening in your case, but how it works is a little complicated....

    The Anti-Malware client actually makes a direct HTTP call to the OEM Vendors Site. (We don't control this)

    Since we don't want every device going out one by one and don't want it going out HTTP the ZCM agent has a proxy built-in that captures that request and send it up the line as HTTPS to the on-demand servers that will then serve the cached files w/o needing to go out to the internet for each device.  Note: The On-Demand content server does do HTTPS to the OEM, not sure why natively it chose to do HTTP but we are working with the OEM to see if we can remove any HTTP calls in the future.

    It is possible that something on your device is even preventing the packet request that is leaving your device from even making it to the proxy on the local device.  Or there could be something blocking the OEM content server from reaching the internet.  I posted a link recently that shows the URL that needs to be open to your OneDemand Content Server.


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    Customer has setup, that communication from every workstation to Internet is routed through firewall and is blocked. User need to authenticate to the FW to get access to Internet. It looks like, that the build in proxy isn´t doing the job right. Communication to ZENWorks primary server with OneDemand Content Server is permitted.


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    Customer has setup, that communication from every workstation to Internet is routed through firewall and is blocked. User need to authenticate to the FW to get access to Internet. It looks like, that the build in proxy isn´t doing the job right. Communication to ZENWorks primary server with OneDemand Content Server is permitted.

