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Vibe 4.0.2 is shipping


Vibe 4.0.2 is shipping and available for customers to download and apply. This is good news for all Vibe customers. Customers that are active on maintenance will be able to find the download in their Micro Focus Customer Center. Just look under Software and then Entitled Software.


This release of Vibe is significant for a couple of reason. In listening to customers it was identified that the way we were handling custom JSPs with our new GWT implementation was not working for many customers. Customers that had heavily invested in customization's in earlier versions of Vibe were not able to upgrade to the 4.x platform. For that reason a major focus of this Vibe release was to correct those problems so customers could upgrade to the latest version of Vibe.

Another milestone in this release is the re branding of Vibe from Novell Vibe to Micro Focus Vibe. We were very proud to attach the Micro Focus brand to Vibe and are excited to release 4.0.2 with this branding.

With any release we also address customer reported defects and make any updates and fixes to improve security.

With that I hope all our Vibe customers can update to 4.0.2. Welcome to Micro Focus Vibe. While you are getting updated we are getting to work on 4.0.3.


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