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VIBE TBD 31 Mar 2021 really?

according to this page:

VIBE is TBD on 31 Mar 2021. How to understand this?

  • 0
    Just as a heads up: the life cycle page has been updated, 4.0.8 is released and you can find in on SLD. The life cycle still states "4.0.7 is under development", though...

    Generally, looking at the life cycle history: since 4.0, support has always been set for a fixed end date and updated with the next patch release very shortly before that end date. That procedure has been grinding our gears for quite some time, because we keep having to tell that to customers, and if you're not told, you think the product - or rather its support - is dead. We hope that can finally change when the whole shebang with moving to the new distribution systems has been left behind...
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    Vibe is very long dead, on Micro Focus Universe we got info, that there will be no future enhancements. If you have it bundled in OWS as smart notepad it´s OK, but for paying customers is this nonsense. 


  • Verified Answer

    +1 in reply to   

    Are you willing to share more information? Can Micro Focus respond to this at all?

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    Hi Bob,

    Vibe (together with GroupWise and a bunch of the former GWAVA software) just got a new Product Manager very recently. I'll ping him with a link to this here, since a) he very probably did not have the time yet to check/subscribe for/on his products here and b) he probably was not proactively made aware of this thread internally. So it can't hurt :).

    I won't put elaborate here on my stance, because what you - and all of us - are looking for and deserve is a signal from the company. (fyi: I googled my stance on it and it's in the bible, at Luke 8:52 ;), or, for people from Lancre: "I ATE'NT DEAD")


  • 0 in reply to 

    Hi Bob,

    Vibe (together with GroupWise and a bunch of the former GWAVA software) just got a new Product Manager very recently. I'll ping him with a link to this here, since a) he very probably did not have the time yet to check/subscribe for/on his products here and b) he probably was not proactively made aware of this thread internally. So it can't hurt :).

    I won't put elaborate here on my stance, because what you - and all of us - are looking for and deserve is a signal from the company. (fyi: I googled my stance on it and it's in the bible, at Luke 8:52 ;), or, for people from Lancre: "I ATE'NT DEAD")


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