Mariadb - Vibe on SLES15SP5 - new installation

I had problems with Vibe on a sles12sp5 server after an Sles update (java error)
I decided to reinstall Vibe based on a SLES15SP5 server and also installed tk-32bit, tcl-32bit and libstdc++6-32bit.
I preselected MariaDB as the database because it is recommended according to the documentation.

The installation of Vibe went fine and I have to run the scripts to create the database.
Here I only find scripts for MSSQL, Oracle, Mysql and Postgres, but not for MariaDB.
Who can help me?
Thanks for your support

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    successfull installation and configuration from vibe4.0.8.3 on a sles15sp5, was a challenge with the latest documentation...

    had done a little documentation in german language for anybody wanting to do the same experience!

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    Hy Claude

    As Vibe 4.0.9 is still not availible and there for OT did not have the power to clean up documentation. Installing vibe is still a hussle for me as I am not a Novell guy with 30 years of experience in vibe/filr myistery solving. So okay I am a paying customer andthere for  I opend a ticket for this at OT but as I think India will take some days to figure out what I want and who could help me out it whould be a pleasure to read your documentation and get some hints by doing this what I am doiing wrong. Using SLES 15.6 and vibe Thanks for your helping hand.


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    Thomas, send me a pm with your email address, then i will send you my documentation, this will work with the latest vibe version


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    Another idea would be for you to post that somewhere.  Do you have a website you could use? Or would you like a hand on that front.   Not sure if OT would want to bother posting, given they appear to have effectively orphaned this product, though I will ask around.


    Andy of in Toronto
    Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.

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