Mariadb - Vibe on SLES15SP5 - new installation

I had problems with Vibe on a sles12sp5 server after an Sles update (java error)
I decided to reinstall Vibe based on a SLES15SP5 server and also installed tk-32bit, tcl-32bit and libstdc++6-32bit.
I preselected MariaDB as the database because it is recommended according to the documentation.

The installation of Vibe went fine and I have to run the scripts to create the database.
Here I only find scripts for MSSQL, Oracle, Mysql and Postgres, but not for MariaDB.
Who can help me?
Thanks for your support

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    Thanks Diethmar, had work but had error by managing database
    i had edit the file and change the root password (2 entries)

    by the command ./ mysql updateDatabase the following error comes up:

    Unexpected error running Liquibase: java.sql.SQLInvalidAuthorizationSpecException: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'

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