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Mirroring Folder from OES11

I ran the advanced install/setup on my Vibe server to create the resource driver for a folder to be mirrored to Vibe from and OES11 server (folder on an NSS volume). It is currently set as read-only.

Not quite sure how to meet the requirement that the folder must be able to be mapped from the Vibe server. Does that mean a mount point or something else like using NFS? I cannot seem to find anything specific on setting up this part.

Setting up this type of linking is all fairly new to me. I am really in need of some step by step help here. If anyone can point me in the right direction...thanks! 






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    Help, anyone?   This is probably a no-brainer to most people but something I've never done before so I am not sure how to go about it.  Does anyone have an idea?  I'm getting the feeling people don't use mirrored folders with Vibe!

    Thanks in advance,


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    UGH...totally banging my head against the wall, doing the definition of insanity, etc. 

    Here is my process:

    I've stopped Vibe, run the install in advanced mode, cofigured a read only Resource driver 1name/title "ISOProdDev".  It is *definitely* enabled.

    The path is

    //servername/media/nss/DATA/Shared/Engineering\ISO - New Project Development/

    I have granted both user rights and Group rights to the resource, of which I am a member of both. 

    I save everything and proceed and it tells me all is well.

    I restart Vibe.

    I login to Vibe, and in my personal workspace I click on the cog wheel for configure this workspace, click on New Folder, add a title which is the same name as the resource driver 1 I created; I select Mirrored Files and then click on OK.

    I see the new folder in my workspaces & folders section. I click on the new folder to select it, then click on the cog wheel next to it and choose edit folder. I do not see any options to configure the folder for the resource driver, root path, or resource path relative to root path.
    At the bottom of the folder window I see in red
    this message: "There are no resource drivers configured for this site. Please see the site administrator to configure the resource drivers for mirrored folders."

    If I look in the file installer.xml on the server that holds the resource drivers I see my resource driver in there, it is all correct, enabled and looks fine.

    I originally configured this resource driver as a file type, then I said well, grasping at straws, I'll try the other (webdav) even though I don't think it's correct. So went in and reconfigured the resource driver as a webdav type, and that didn't change, the above result is the same. So I set it back to the type "file".

    *SIGH* do you setup mirrored folders?? Appears no one knows, there's no specific documentation.  I've spent like 3 weeks on this. Now I have management saying WTheck thinking this is a terrible choice I've made. Unfortunately I'm beginning to think the same.  It's very frustrating.  It may be obvious how to do this/what the issue is to those who know this stuff, but if I'm asking it isn't apparent to me.  I've following the documentation and it still does not work.  Seems like it should be pretty simple and straightforward. Call me dumb, but help!



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    This does work, and I have done it in the past but it's been quite awhile.  I'll try to document some steps for you, but could take a week or two as I'm on some other projects currently.


    A quick note that stood out from your setup notes.  Usually you'd configure it to the network unc path the same way any ncp or cifs client would connect to it, not the local filesystem.


    update: here's an old thread that covered this.



    update 2:  alternatively, if you have Filr, I believe you could likely setup Vibe to connect to it through webdav.  May also be able to do this using NetStorage on oes11, but it is an end of life product, don't remember if you noted trying this or not.


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    Hi RaveNet,

    Thanks for the reply, I am getting desperate.  I reviewed the thread and it is a bit old, not sure I I know how to translate to OES11 SP2.  I am not by any stretch a Linux/SLES guru and really need some assistance here. It's just not obvious to me how to do this, just dumb I guess!  lol

    I would greatly appreciate any documentation you can provide since the official docs do not spell this step out.  As to the mention of using the network unc path, I though I was doing that--//servername/vol/folder/etc...? 

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    So reading the old thread and a few others, I am thinking this is what I should be doing--please tell me what isn't correct!

    TASK:  I need to mount a specific folder that resides on the data volume of my OES11 server.
    I need this to be a read-only mirrored folder in Vibe that will always exist (not a temporary mount). So it needs to be re-established any time the server gets rebooted.

    The remote path to the specific folder is:

    oes11server/data/shared/ISO Engineering/New Product Development

    Is the below steps and commands what I should be doing???

    1. On the Vibe server I create a mount point:

                               mkdir /mnt/oes11server/data/oesPM

    2) I mount the remote path on the Vibe Server using this command:

    ncpmount -S oes11server -A 192.168.x.x -o tcp -U <oes11serveruser> -V data /mnt/oesevo/data/oesPM,ro

                               it will (should) prompt me for the password?


    3) if all is well I can use ls from the Vibe server to see the contents of the mount point folder

    4) Then I go into Vibe and create a mirrored folder to the.....mount point?

                      Not entirely sure what I now put in this step for the mirrored folder path.


    Finally, how do I ensure I am only mapping the one folder New Product Development and not all the folders on the /data/shared/ directory?


    Am I on the right track here? What's not correct?





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    Well, this has been a super disappointing experience with Micro Focus and this forum.  Crickets don't help.

    I guess Vibe does not really work. I had such high hopes, and I sold those hopes to management.  They're now pretty disappointed in me and my vendor choice right now. 

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    If you require immediate support, open a ticket with Microfocus and someone can assist.

    This forum is community based and best effort, we aren't dedicated support and have our own jobs.
    I do still plan on documenting those steps, but am busy on other projects.
    I recommend starting by mounting your remote share via cifs or ncp and pointing your mirror folder there. You likely need to give your vibe user rights to that folder as well so the vibe app can read the files.


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    Thanks, I did open a ticket already.  I will post back here the results.

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    Well hugely disappointing.  For anyone who is trying to use Vibe with NSS volumes, be advised IT DOES NOT WORK. IT IS NOT SUPPORTED.  From weeks of working with an engineer, this is the bottom line for us--a message from my support engineer this morning is below. 

    Note that I followed the instructions to install Vibe to run with a user that is non-root (VibeAdmin). Also, I do not have the option to setup a non NSS volume as the folder we need to mirror from our OES server is part of our ISO and ERP systems and is therefore heavily linked to from so many locations inside ISO and ERP that it would be a nightmare to re-do that.  And I don't even think I can use a non-NSS volume in my environment.

    "Vibe runs with a unique user that was created during the initial install for security purposes. Since Vibe runs with this unique user (ex. VibeAdmin) it only has access to Files/Folders owned by that one user. NSS volumes handle permissions differently than local OS directories. In talking to the OES engineer he said "root is the only non-edir user that can own files on an NSS volume". This means we aren't able to change the ownership of the NSS volume to "VibeAdmin" so the Vibe service can see them.

    A LUM enabled user might allow you to change to ownership from "root" to something else. This would be the only option to get the ownership changed on the NSS volume. However, this is not a supported configuration from a Vibe point of view so it might work and it might not. There isn't documentation from Vibe since like I mentioned it's not a tested/supported configuration.

    What you could do is move your files to a non NSS volume directory. At that point the NSS permission rules wouldn't apply and we could change the ownership of the folder without issue. However, I don't know what further complications that would bring in your environment if you move the files to a non NSS directory."

    So I think my only options are

    (1) to try and copy all the files/folders to the Vibe server to create a local read-only mirror on the Vibe server (15GB of data that constantly changes and grows) and then find some way to sync manually or automatically the changes once a day from the OES server to the Vibe server.

    2) ditch the effort to get Vibe working and go with another vendor. Which likely also means another OS environment as other vendor products we looked at only ran on (shudder) Windows Sever and require Exchange/Outlook for e-mail integration (double shudder).  That's all quite expensive.

    Too bad.

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    Well hugely disappointing.  For anyone who is trying to use Vibe with NSS volumes, be advised IT DOES NOT WORK. IT IS NOT SUPPORTED.  From weeks of working with an engineer, this is the bottom line for us--a message from my support engineer this morning is below. 

    Note that I followed the instructions to install Vibe to run with a user that is non-root (VibeAdmin). Also, I do not have the option to setup a non NSS volume as the folder we need to mirror from our OES server is part of our ISO and ERP systems and is therefore heavily linked to from so many locations inside ISO and ERP that it would be a nightmare to re-do that.  And I don't even think I can use a non-NSS volume in my environment.

    "Vibe runs with a unique user that was created during the initial install for security purposes. Since Vibe runs with this unique user (ex. VibeAdmin) it only has access to Files/Folders owned by that one user. NSS volumes handle permissions differently than local OS directories. In talking to the OES engineer he said "root is the only non-edir user that can own files on an NSS volume". This means we aren't able to change the ownership of the NSS volume to "VibeAdmin" so the Vibe service can see them.

    A LUM enabled user might allow you to change to ownership from "root" to something else. This would be the only option to get the ownership changed on the NSS volume. However, this is not a supported configuration from a Vibe point of view so it might work and it might not. There isn't documentation from Vibe since like I mentioned it's not a tested/supported configuration.

    What you could do is move your files to a non NSS volume directory. At that point the NSS permission rules wouldn't apply and we could change the ownership of the folder without issue. However, I don't know what further complications that would bring in your environment if you move the files to a non NSS directory."

    So I think my only options are

    (1) to try and copy all the files/folders to the Vibe server to create a local read-only mirror on the Vibe server (15GB of data that constantly changes and grows) and then find some way to sync manually or automatically the changes once a day from the OES server to the Vibe server.

    2) ditch the effort to get Vibe working and go with another vendor. Which likely also means another OS environment as other vendor products we looked at only ran on (shudder) Windows Sever and require Exchange/Outlook for e-mail integration (double shudder).  That's all quite expensive.

    Too bad.

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    Just for future reference, the very first feasibility test step one should take before contemplating the possibility of exposing any file system through Vibe's Mirrored Folder facility is to simply do the following:

    Let's say Vibe server (Tomcat) is configured to run as wwwrun. At the command line, run "sudo -u wwwrun bash" to assume the identity of the account, and see if you can access the file system you want to expose. If you can do directory listing and read individual files at the minimum, the chances are that you should be able to expose that part of the file system through Mirrored Folder for read-only access. Needless to say, full read/write access requires additional permissions.

    Obviously, just because the above test is a success doesn't necessarily mean that the final attempt will be a success as well. However, if the above test fails, then it's guaranteed that Vibe won't be able to do that through Mirrored Folder.

    The bottom line is, Vibe's Mirrored Folder facility accesses the remote file system simply as the OS account in which Vibe is running. It does not take into account the LDAP identity of the individual user that is logged into Vibe and accessing the mirrored folder. If the latter is a requirement, alternate product such as Micro Focus Filr should be considered.
