DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
The organization needed a reliable backup system before it started transitioning to the new SAN and server environment. The amount of data to back up had grown to the point that during the backup window there was not sufficient time to complete all the backup jobs necessary. The system, although once “state of the art,” was now slow, cumbersome to use, and unreliable. Backed up emails were difficult, at best, to retrieve.
They also wanted a disaster recovery solution and reliable archiving that allowed users to retrieve their own old emails while meeting his compliance requirements and open records policies.
To address its disaster recovery and archiving needs, Pflugerville turned to OpenText GroupWise Disaster Recovery and OpenText Retain Unified Archiving. Pflugerville uses GroupWise Disaster Recovery to back up seven OpenText GroupWise post offices and agents each night, so at any time, the district will lose no less than one day’s worth of emails in the event of a system failure. The district stores faculty and staff emails for seven years and student emails for two.
The district also runs Retain Unified Archiving each night to archive old emails. Once emails are archived, they are stored much more efficiently, but they are still available to users. “The process of restoring mail from the archive in Retain Unified Archiving is much more efficient and easy. It is a reliable system that users are starting to trust and therefore not maintaining old mail in their mailboxes.