DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
Retain 4.10 or earlier
The supported Retain upgrade process from 4.x to 24.x is to upgrade first to 4.11, then 24.x. That requires two Index rebuilds. This document shows how to do the same upgrade, but with only one Index building.
The supported upgrade steps can take several weeks, depending on the size of the Index, the speed of the CPUs, and disk speed. That time can be cut in half if the 4.11 upgrade is skipped. Additionally, there are issues with 4.11 and Solr8. If the Index is large, some types of searches will time out. For some situations, skipping Solr8 and jumping straight to Solr9 is preferred.
It is recommended to perform these steps with an OpenText support engineer.
The above steps are to be used at your own risk. The recommended process to upgrade from 4.x to 24.x is listed in the documentation.
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