DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
I was troubleshooting an issue where errors were seen in the RetainWorker log which caused concern about whether Retain was archiving all messages. I used the following to troubleshoot the issue.
In the RetainWorker log, each archived message is delimited by 60 equal signs. Using Notepad++ and selecting 'Find All in Current Document' I found:
47,990 attempts to archive
Next I searched for:
"Message was previously archived so skipped!"
In my case 37,464 messages were skipped
Next I searched for:
"Message archived successfully!"
10,526 were archived
37,464+10,526 =47,990
So although there were errors present in the log file, Retain successfully completed the archive job.
In this specific case, the errors matched those documented in this TID:
Location of the Retain Worker logs:
c:\Program Files\Beginfinite\Retain\Tomcat\logs