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Using Retain Mobile to Archive iPhone Text Messages

There is a good chance that your organization is using iPhones for business communication. These smartphones could be used for accessing email or other business applications, sending text messages or calling customers. Whatever these devices are being used for, the fact is, you need oversight on mobile communication data generated for business purposes. You need to know what your employees are communicating on their iPhones. In fact, depending on your industry, you are mandated to archive text messaging data, and must be prepared to produce text messages for eDiscovery. This creates a problem when it comes to iOS because Apple does not allow text messages to be archived, nor does Apple allow for third-party applications to access text messages or multimedia messages (SMS/MMS).

Carrier level archiving is the solution

Carrier level archiving is the solution to archiving iPhone data. Because all SMS and MMS messages are routed through the carrier, you can archive text messages at the carrier level. This allows you to have oversight on your employee's iPhone communication data, and enables compliance with regulations regarding mobile communication archiving.

Carrier Level Mobile Archiving with Micro Focus Retain Mobile

Retain Mobile features carrier level archiving of text messages. This gives you oversight on mobile communication data for your iOS, Android and other mobile devices on the mobile carrier network. This solution is ideal for environments with corporate-owned devices, BYOD, or a hybrid environment of both. Retain Mobile features integration with the mobile carrier to capture text messages (SMS/MMS) directly from the network. This captured data is archived and indexed in Retain and is immediately available to access, search, and perform eDiscovery.

To learn more about Retain Mobile and iOS archiving with mobile carrier level archiving, join us for a webinar on November 14 at 10:00 am Pacific / 1:00 pm Eastern

Complete Information Archiving

And remember, Retain archives more than just mobile communication data, Retain archives multi-platform email and social media, in one central unified archive. In addition to Retain, with the recent merger with HPE, Micro Focus now has a full set of information archiving solutions that includes Digital Safe. Digital Safe is a market-leading information archiving technology that helps organizations apply and enforce information archiving policies for legal, regulatory, and IT benefits.

To learn more about Retain Mobile and how mobile carrier-level archiving works, visit

For more information about Digital Safe, visit


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