Idea ID: 2809435

Microsoft TEAMS communications in our envirenment need to be archived.

Status: Under Consideration

I work for a Government entity and all communications need to be archived. That includes Microsoft TEAMS can you make a module in GRAVA Retain that will include TEAMS






  •   are you saying its supported because you are seeing personal chats in the conversation history?  Or all you also seeing chats from Teams Channels?

    We haven't officially tested and are not officially supporting this at this time.  It is true that individual chats will show in the conversation history in outlook and get archived, but Team Channel chats should not.

    We do have the Social Media Governance add on (SMG) that you can define a channel and archive into Retain.

    I will keep the request at waiting for votes until we officially support both direct chats and team channel chats either directly in Retain or via SMG.

  •   are you saying its supported because you are seeing personal chats in the conversation history?  Or all you also seeing chats from Teams Channels?

    We haven't officially tested and are not officially supporting this at this time.  It is true that individual chats will show in the conversation history in outlook and get archived, but Team Channel chats should not.

    We do have the Social Media Governance add on (SMG) that you can define a channel and archive into Retain.

    I will keep the request at waiting for votes until we officially support both direct chats and team channel chats either directly in Retain or via SMG.

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