How to fix RetainAccounts.csv for when account_name has a comma in it?

We have some but not all accounts showing as "lastname, firstname" so inserting that comma into the equation so messes things up when opening in any spreadsheet or DB tool, where the data doesn't flow into the correct columns.
While I can readily do the text file search and replace of ", " with ". " or similar, most of the manager types doing this struggle.

Now that they are past the 15-year retention (Architecture, thankfully not needing to keep all for the life of the buildings like they need for the drawings.) they are discussing their real needs to keep and evaluating their precise purge process, and not too happy to require manually fiddling or getting a tech to process what should be automatic.  

Ideal would be for Retain to automatically put quotation marks for any field that has a comma in it.

Any suggestions?   (a case would be my next step)


Andy of in Toronto
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