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Unable to remove job

Trying to remove jobs. During removing of the jobs no error is shown, but nothing happens. 




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    I tested this with v4.10.1.0 and the "Remove Job" action did work fine for me.  I am checking with Retain Support today to see if this is a new issue with v4.10.1.1 (latest shipping).  I'll get back to you.

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    When you attempt to remove the job are you prompted with the popup, "Are you sure you want to remove <yourjobname>?"  I suppose this could be a browser issue.  I have tried removing jobs in my lab using FireFox, Chrome and Edge and the process works as expected.  If you create a new 'test' job, can you remove it?

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    Getting multiple errors in System log like " Cannot delete or update
    a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`retain`.`s_ErrorItems`, CONSTRAI
    NT `FK_MailboxRunErrorID` FOREIGN KEY (`MailboxRunErrorID`) REFERENCES `s_Mailbo
    xRunErrors` (`MailboxRunErrorID`))"


  • 0   in reply to   

    New job can be deleted without problem.


  • Verified Answer

    +1   in reply to   

    We removed the jobs with help of SQL queries. 
