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OpenText Open Enterprise Server CE 24.4 Released


OpenText is excited to announce the general availability of the Open Enterprise Server 24.4 LTS release. OES 24.4 includes feature packed Unified Management Console, additional protection for CIFS access, and several other security improvements. Also included are the LTSS security updates to the base SLES 15 SP4 and other library updates. 


Online upgrade: The OES 24.4 update is available through the channel. You can update by registering your server with the OpenText Customer Center or by using OpenText SMT or SUSE Manager. 

Media upgrade: The OES 24.4 ISO, available over the SLD portal, can be used to upgrade your OES servers (AutoYast supported) 

ZENworks bundles: The consulting recommended way to patch OES servers through ZENworks bundles 


  • All OES and OWS customers with active support subscriptions are eligible to update to OES 24.4 



Unified Management Console: OES 24.4 includes several enhancements and new modules in UMC including backup (SMS) management, DFS split/move job management. The Files and Folder navigation is now junction aware and supports rights management of junctions. If you haven’t already noticed, UMC health tool (umcServiceHealth) helps in identifying and fixing UMC installation and configuration related issues.  

Protect CIFS access with multi-factor authentication: OES administrators can protect access to CIFS shares hosting sensitive data by enforcing users to complete smartphone authentication in addition to username and password. 

Install and Upgrade: There are several improvements in OES 24.4 install and upgrade including, 

  • Identity Console is included in the OES 24.4 media for ease of installation and patching 
  • iPrint Advanced is the only offering on OES 24.4 providing several advanced printing capabilities such as web, email, and WalkUp printing 
  • Separate database pattern that would install PostgreSQL server if you chose local database in UMC configuration 

Migrate to NSS64: OES 24.4 includes tools required to upgrade your existing NSS32 volumes to NSS64 with minimal downtime and additional storage requirement.  



Don't miss our upcoming webinar on November 28th, where we'll dive deeper into the new features and enhancements of OES 24.4. 


New Release-Feature
Comment List
  • Thanks for answer, nso-telemetry.service will not start, the Status is inactive (dead)

  • Hi Claude,

    Please check if below services are online 

    systemctl status oes-telemetry-agent.service
    â—Ź oes-telemetry-agent.service - OES Telemetry agent for OES
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/oes-telemetry-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
    Active: active (running) since Mon 2024-11-11 14:44:25 IST; 26s ago
    Main PID: 14694 (agent)
    Tasks: 6
    CGroup: /system.slice/oes-telemetry-agent.service
    └─ 14694 /opt/novell/telemetry/bin/agent

    systemctl status oes-telemetry.service
    â—Ź oes-telemetry.service - OES Telemetry server for OES
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/oes-telemetry.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: active (running) since Mon 2024-11-11 14:42:08 IST; 14min ago
    Main PID: 13153 (telemetry)
    Tasks: 7
    CGroup: /system.slice/oes-telemetry.service
    └─ 13153 /opt/novell/telemetry/bin/telemetry -serverrole=no

    if they are not active, please start those services then try starting nss telemetry service by "systemctl start nss-telemetry.service". Post which, you can find the telemetry data under "/var/opt/novell/telemetry/data" 

  • thanks for feedback!

    f. for postfix i had open a case on portal a upload a supportconfig
    2. libstdc++6 was solved manually with zypper in libstdc++6 and deinstallation manually
    3. yesterday, i had seen that my oes dhcp range had disappear in my configuration. i must reconfigure it to become running, now i must redefine a new range! After upgrade to oes24.4 i must install the new dns/dhcp-version 2.013 manually. I remember for the old version, taht the name can't be longer that any characters, may be this was the reason for this

    4. als nss-telemetry.service will not start and can't be restart manually

    i was able to help me, will only share my information/observation

  • Hello Claude,

    Thanks for sharing your test feedback on OES24.4 release. Just want to clear on remaining issues you reported here.

    ISSUE: postfix service not starting
       ----- We are not observing this issue in our lab test servers. If you can provide more information on the error or failure, it will be helpful. If the issue is reproducible we will raise a ticket with SLES.

    ISSUE: The following 2 package updates will NOT be installed:

        libstdc++6 libstdc++6-32bit

    ----- Yes, we have observed this behavior in servers which are registered to NCC for maintenance updates during upgrades. We are investigating further on this and based on the root cause, if needed will raise a ticket with SLES.

    Please continue to share your valuable feedback. Thanks.

  • On an OES server reboot, CIS agent services will run on OES servers to discover CIS server. However, if there is no CIS server running, the services will stop running within a couple of minutes, and not start again. This is the expected behavior. 

  • ii had never installed oes CIS on my oes servers and don't want to configure this services

    Wonder me only that on oes extension that "OES CIS" is not flagged/installed and services try to start

    It is not only on 1 oes server upgraded from oes23.4, but on all the same situation!

    you can take a look with remote tool!

  • CIS agent services will continue to be running if CIS server has been configured in the network, otherwise CIS agent services will stop running. Is the CIS server already configured ?

  • Thank you, Claude, for upgrading to 24.4 and sharing your feedback! While we didn’t encounter these issues in our testing, we’ll review them carefully and address any necessary corrections in future releases.

  • 1. i had upgrade from oes24.3 with all patches to oes24.4
    2. ldaps was in the error messages, in think this mean the port 636 for ldap (i use secure ldap)
    3. no, common proxy password was not the problem

    After the upgrade and reconfiguration from dns/dhcp, i had install the new dnsdhcp-software for linux found on marketplace (2.0.13), then after upgrade version 2.0.12 was installed

    It's not a problem for me, but i want to publish all my trouble i have had for other admins/integrators and how i had solved this

    4. libstdc++6 problems are solved manually by zypper in libstdc++6 and choice 1 to deinstall the old version
        the question is why is this not done automaticaly by upgrade, may be a bug
        i had this on all my oes servers

    5. all cis-service: i don't anderstand why this service will started and don't, then i don't install OES CIS on all my oes server
        i see the same situation on all my oes-servers, this is not a problem, search for a solution for removing this by systemctl --failed

  • 1. dnsdhcp service will not start because ldaps password has been lost, must reconfigure this

    We tested upgrades from OES 24.3 to 24.4 and DNS DHCP services had no issues after upgrade.
    Can you tell us from which OES version was the upgrade done ?  
    What do you mean by ldaps password ?  do you mean common proxy password ?
