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Knowledge Document: Unable to change eDirectory UP password when userPassword using LDAP



OES 2023
eDirectory 9.2.8


The OES common proxy password change script,, reported the password has been updated. 
The script to retrieve the OES Common Proxy password, correctly displayed the current password.
Attempts to login via either LDAP or iManager as the OES Common Proxy user, continued to use the previous password and the current password was invalid.
Admin was able to login to iManager and set the OES Common Proxy user's password.
An ldapsearch of the OES Common Proxy user showed userPassword as an attribute with a hash value only when querying the OES Common Proxy user which was having this issue.
The LDAP group associated with the server where the OES Common Proxy user was configured, contained an attribute mapping:  NDS:  userPassword    LDAP:  userPassword

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