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Knowledge Document: Linux Samba client fails to join DSfW domain with error "Failed to join domain..."


When trying to have a Linux client join a DSfW domain per "net ads join" command, or per YaST > 'Network Services' > 'Windows Domain Membership' on SUSE, the join domain procedure fails with the following error messages: " ads_print_error: AD LDAP ERROR: 19 (Constraint violation): (null) connect_to_domain_password_server: unable to open the domain client session to machine <DSFW_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_FQDN>. Flags[0x00000000] Error was : NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED. Failed to join domain: failed to verify domain membership after joining: {Access Denied} A process has requested access to an object but has not been granted those access rights. "


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