DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
OES 2018
OES 2023
OES 24.1.1
iManager 3.2.6
OES server is upgraded from either OES 2018 or OES 2023 to OES 24.1.1.
When attempting to login to iManager, a blank screen is shown instead of the login screen
This issue has been reported to development
The following options can be used to work around the problem until a fix is made available
Option 1. The package ecj and be backrev'd with the version of ecj on the previous version's ISO, by using the command:
zypper in -f ecj-X.XXX.XX.rpm
EXAMPLE: zypper in -f ecj-4.18-150200.3.6.4
Option 2. Alternately, the rpm can be extracted to a custom location using rpm2cpio and the following commands:
- Make a new directory for the ecj packages files.
mkdir /oes-ecj
- Change to the new directory
cd /oes-ecj
- Extract the files from the ecj package
rpm2cpio ecj--4.18-150200.3.6.4.rpm | cpio -idmv
- Create a new symbolic link for jasper-jdt.jar pointing to the custom location
Change the link in /usr/share/java/tomcat for jasper-jdt.jar to the new location.
rm /usr/share/java/tomcat/jasper-jdt.jar
ln -s /oes-ecj/usr/share/java/ecj/ecj.jar /usr/share/java/tomcat/jasper-jdt.jar
- Restart iManager
stop and start novell-tomcat