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AFP changes in OSX Lion

Anyone experienced problems connecting to OES2 or NetWare via AFP since upgrading to OSX Lion?

Here's the solution:

Because Apple changed the AFP version from v1 to v2, there are no connections possible through AFP from Mac to OES2 Linux nor NetWare...

  1. Open up a Terminal on your Mac and make /Library/Preferences writable:
    sudo chmod o w /Library/Preferences

  • Switch back your Lion to AFP v1:
    defaults write /Library/Preferences/ 
    afp_host_prefs_version -int 1

  • Reboot your Mac !! (this is necessary just one time)

  • Try to connect to your Server again. It may still fail.

  • Open up a Terminal again and type:
    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/  
    afp_disabled_uams -array "Cleartxt Passwrd" "MS2.0" "2-Way
    Randnum exchange"

  • Now the AFP connections should work...

  • Change back rights to /Library/Preferences/ with:
    sudo chmod o-w /Library/Preferences



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