DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
novell-named service logs messages to /var/opt/novell/log/named/ and and also to syslog. Currently there is no way to disable logging messages of novell-named service to syslog.
The shell script given here modifies the rsyslog configuration and stops the messages from novell-named service from getting logged into /var/log/messages. This script provides a way to disable messages to syslog. Messages will continue to be logged into /var/opt/novell/log/named/
./ -d: To disable capturing of novell-named logs in /var/log/messages ./ -e: To enable capturing of novell-named logs in /var/log/messages ./ -h: Help
# This script updates the rsyslog configuration in a way that # Whether for service novell-named, the logs are captured under /var/log/messages # New configuration file, which gets created in process FILE="/etc/rsyslog.d/dns-query-log.conf" conf_changed=0 conf_already_exists(){ if test -f "$FILE"; then return 1 fi return 0 } # Writing the logic into configuration file, to obstruct logs to /var/log/messages write_configuration_file(){ touch $FILE cat > $FILE <<EOF if (\$programname contains 'named' or \$syslogtag == '[NCPL]:') then { stop } EOF [ $? -eq 0 ] && return 1 || return 0 } main(){ conf_already_exists exists=$? if [ "$exists" == "1" ]; then rm $FILE fi if [ "$ACTION" == "DISABLE" ]; then write_configuration_file conf_changed=$? elif [ "$ACTION" == "ENABLE" ]; then conf_changed=1 fi if [ "$conf_changed" == "1" ]; then systemctl restart rsyslog.service if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo " Failure in rsyslog service restart, try it manually. " fi else echo " Failure in configuration change. Re-run the script" fi } case $1 in -e) ACTION=ENABLE ;; -d) ACTION=DISABLE ;; -h) echo "Options : " echo " -e : To enable capturing of novell-named logs in /var/log/messages" echo " -d : To disable capturing of novell-named logs in /var/log/messages" exit 0 ;; *) echo " script usage: $(basename $0) [-e] [-d] [-h for help]" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac main
The above script can be downloaded from below link: