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How to get NFARM installers without installing an OES Server?



OES File Access Rights Management (NFARM) helps eDirectory or Active Directory administrators to manage the rights and quotas of users or groups on NSS) resources. Generally, we download NFARM installer from OES welcome page after installing a server.

This cool solution gives a brief idea on getting NFARM installer without installing an OES server.

Getting NFARM Installers by extracting OES ISO:

    From a Windows Client:

  1. Download and mount OES ISO on a windows client
  2. Navigate to suse\noarch\ to get nfarm rpm details.

           Ex:  nfarm novell-nfarm-client-x.x.x-x.x.x.noarch.rpm

  1. Copy and extract the rpm. It produces a .cpio file.
  2. Extract the .cpio file again
  3. Installer will be available at .\srv\www\novell\clients\nfarm

   From a Linux Client:

  1. Download the OES ISO on a linux client.
    • wget http://<ip of the server where ISO is hosted>/< OES-DVD-x86_64-GMC1-Media1.iso >
  1. Create a mount point and mount the OES2018SP2 ISO.
    • mkdir /tmp_nfarm
    • mount -o loop OES-DVD-x86_64-GMC1-Media1.iso /tmp_nfarm
  1. Go to /tmp_nfarm/suse/noarch and find the nfarm rpm
    • oes-server1:/tmp_nfarm/suse/noarch # ls | grep nfarm novell-nfarm-client-x.x.x-x.x.x.noarch.rpm
  1. Execute the following command from a path where you have RW permission. (Ex: \home\<username>). 
    • rpm2cpio /tmp_nfarm/suse/noarch/novell-nfarm-client-x.x.x-x.x.x.noarch.rpm | cpio –idmv
  1. Go to ./srv/www/novell/clients/nfarm under current directory and do an ‘ls’ to list the installer.

For more information: Please refer NFARM Documentation 


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