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Client for OES and Windows 10 RS2


In testing the pre-release version(s) of the Windows 10 "Creators Update" (also referred to as "Redstone 2" or "RS2"), we found an issue where in the Client for OES, login settings are lost after applying this update (because of the manner in which the upgrade process uninstalls and re-installs the Client for OES).  The last logged in user name, eDirectory profile, etc., are lost and have to be filled in again.

Micro Focus noticed this in the version of the pre-release build where the issue was introduced and we have been working with Microsoft and have a case open to resolve the issue.  Since then, Microsoft has made the RS2 update available and this issue is not resolved yet.

Bottom line - if you use Client for OES on Windows 10 - you will face this issue when you update to RS2.  You can either defer the RS2 update until we have a resolution or choose to go ahead, but fill in the login profile information again.

For the latest on this you can follow this knowledgebase article.


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