DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
I will demonstrate how a Redhat Samba share and an OES 2018 SP2 NSS Volume can be accessed simultaneously when a user account authenticates with Micro Focus Client for Open Enterprise Server.
You need to achieve the steps mentioned below to access the Redhat Samba share and the OES 2018 SP2 NSS Volume simultaneously :
1. Setup a Redhat Samba share server. The Redhat Samba share server was setup with the DNS name REDHAT-SERVER1.
2. Have a Windows 10 setup.
3. Setup an OES 2018 SP2 NSS server. The OES 2018 SP2 server was setup with the DNS name SERVER1.
1. Samba share server configuration
Create the Samba user archive :
Create a Samba password for Samba user archive :
Figure 2
Create a smbgroup :
Figure 3
Add the Samba archive user to the smbgroup :
Figure 4
Configure the [ Global ] settings
Backup the smb.conf file under the /etc/samba directory. Open the smb.conf file. Make the following changes under the [ Global ] settings.
- Workgroup = MYGROUP - setup the Windows workgroup of the Samba server.-
- NetBIOS name = server-IP-Address - Name of the system in the NetBIOS name. Server-IP-address ( Your Samba server IP address or DNS name )
- security = archive - This line determines how a client has to authenticate itself when accessing a share. This option can have the following values:
[ Archive -dir ] - This is the identifier for the share.
- Archive Directory - This option is a comment with additional information about the share
- path = /DATA1/Archive-dir/ - This option sets the path to the exported data on the local filesystem. You have to make sure that the local user who needs to access the files of this share has sufficient file system rights.
- valid user = archive - Samba username.
- read-only = no - If this option is set to no, a password is required.
Figure 5
Login as root into the Redhat server and confirm that Samba and the nmb services are up and running by using the command ps -eaf | grep smb for the Samba service and ps -eaf | grep nmb for the nmb services.
Figure 6
Figure 7
If the Samba or the nmb services is not running start the services by using the under-mentioned commands.
Figure 8
2. In Windows 10
Login to Windows 10. select run or press the Windows key and the R key to open Run. Type in the DNS or IP address of the Redhat Samba share server.
Figure 9
A Windows security will pop up asking for the network credentials. Login to the REDHAT-SERVER1 using the Samba username and password.
Figure 10
The archive Samba share file that was created will show up in Windows explorer.
Figure 11
3. OES 2018 SP2 Configuration
Login to your OES 2018 SP2 server using your eDirectory credentials or root username and password, to connect to Micro Focus iManager using the URL https://server_ipaddress/nps
Figure 12
In iManager add the under-mentioned login script details to the USERS.flightops.ops partition so that the user account, can map to the SAMBA share drive from the Redhat-Server1.
Figure 13
User5 need to authenticate to the OES 2018 SP2 server using the Micro Focus Client for Open Enterprise Server.
Figure 14
- Open Windows Explorer in Windows 10 to verify if the user5 did authenticate to SERVER1 and did map to the NSS Volume DATA2 on SERVER 1 under the M drive mapping.
- Also, confirm if the Samba share archive user did authenticate to the SAMBA-Redhat1 server and mapping was done under the V Drive.
Figure 15
User5 is now simultaneously connected to the Redhat Samba share and the OES NSS Volume.