Upgrading to oes 24.4 server while running the "normal" iprint

Currently there are two different version of iprint running on oes server:

1. The normal iPrint, ie ,where you access your printer thru the /ipp page and it has no mobile capabilities.
2. iPrint Advanced, what replaces the /ipp page with the new printer portal with new capabilities and add mobile capabilities to the server

Prior to oes 24.4, each iPrint version has it own pattern to be installed, so you can install only the "normal" iprint if you do not wanted or needed the Advanced version, they were independent, so could have one or the other.
With 24.4, both patterns have been merged in one. That means that, when you upgrade to oes 24.4 and you have "normal" iprint running, 24.4 will automatically install the Advanced version. This is documented on the advanced documentation and the reason is due to the integration between iprint and UMC console.

But after the upgrade, iprint system will work, users will be able to print, but accessing the /ipp page, it will redirect to the new printer portal and probably, no printers will be displayed.

At this point , there are two options:

1. Follow the advanced documentation to finished the mobile configuration and use the new printer portal with the new features
2. Or if you just want to get back the /ipp page with your printers, then run this script on the server:

“sh /opt/novell/iprintmobile/bin/ipp_page_enable_disable.sh –enable”

I hope you'll find this information useful

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    Very good to know. And I am happy, that I did not upgrade to 24.4 before, because my users would have got extremely upset, if all their iprint printers would have gone away.

    Can I still run iprint on a DSfW server, if iprint is changed to the "advanced" version? That was my main reason not to change to the advanced version besides the fact, that all my printers can be accessed directly from mobile devices, if I enable that feature on the printer.

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    Hi Wolfgang

    Advanced get installed but not configured so if the script to put back the /ipp page was run automatically (and not manually) after the upgrade to 24.4, you should not see or feel any differences from your "normal" iprint. 

    Advances modules are installed but because they're not configured, server will behaves the same way as if it was still running the "normal" iprint.

    I'm not aware of any issues running iPrint Advanced on dsfw servers but based in the fact that Advanced get installed but noe configured or enabled, i do not see why it should not run on dsfw server.

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    Hi ,

    what's the behavior when iPrint advance was installed before ?
    do we have to reconfigure after the upgrade ?

    Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. [A. Einstein]

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    No, if iprint advanced was already  installed, it is nothing extra to do after upgrade to 24.4. 

  • Verified Answer

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    I just upgraded a combined DSfW and iprint server to 24.4(.1) . It went relatively smooth, if you follow the instructions in the documentation for putting the correct LDAP and LDAPS ports in some configuration files. At first the print manager did come up and printing did work, but connection to the print manager failed with permission denied. I then configured "DSServerPort 524" in the ipsmd.conf file in /etc/opt/novell/iprint, which setting was the default in former times and restarted the print manager - after that change I could access the print manager. I then had to restart the novell-iprint-tomcat service to get access to the print manager from the ipcon console and after that iprint Advanced is fully up and running.

    In fact all services for Advanced are installed and started after the upgrade, so its just a matter of the connection of the print manager to the Advanced services and console, that you can use the Advanced iprint features.