DNSDHCP JavaConsole for Windows version mayhem

I downloaded from AppDeiivery Marketplace latest version of DNSDHCP JavaConsole for Windows, should be 2.0.12. If I hower over the MSI file I see version 2.0.10. If I look on the file dnsdhcp.exe itself, there is version and If I look in application on About, there is 2.0.11 Smiley



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    Sorry, today 2024-03-28, the newest version on the marketplace is for windows and linux 2.0.11

    By installing the windows version, you see 2.0.10 on a screen, but after installation the version is 2.0.11, the same as the linux version

    We can't find a version 2.0.12 and we had open case on OT-Support and they send the link for download the old version 2.0.11

    Are there a newer version 2.0.12?

    Do OT-Support known what they do?

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    You can download 2.0.12 for Windows here: https://www.microfocus.com/marketplace/appdelivery/content/dnsdhcp-javaconsole-for-windows

    I left feedback on the site because when you run the install, the installation dialog boxes will say 2.0.10.  But when the installation is complete and you choose ? > About Microfocus DNS/DHCP, it will state that it is Version OES23.4 Release 2023 2.0.12.  So it appears someone neglected to update the installation routine to show the correct version.  But this one seems to work better for me.  Fixed a bug with the SSL checkbox.

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    dear Ken, can you send me your file as msi and tar.gz
    I had download the version for linux and windows and the two version are after installation 2.0.11 and here i had trouble with omapi-key

    i had never seen a version 2.0.12, not on linux and not on windows! And yes, i had seen version 2.0.10 on installation screen!

    May be you had a other download mirror... i am not magier and can only share my experience, not good for OT and his support (sorry, its the verity)

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    If you can use it against OES 24.1 or later it is definitely version 2.0.12 despite, that their text say something other depending on language etc.. That you have problems with omapi-keys is another issue. The console is far from being working for all tasks necessary.

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