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iFolder install to NSS volume

I'll preface this request by stating up front that this is my first attempt to set up a linux server. All my other servers are on Netware 6.5. Be prepared for me not to understand the simplest things.

I've now managed to get my OES-linux server up and running and the basics all seem to be working. I now need to know the best way to go about installing iFolder on this server with the iFolder repository being located on the NSS volume I created. Can anyone point me to the instructions I should be following to accomplish this? Thank you.
  • 0
    I start the software installer and get presented with a list of software available for installation. This list includes:

    ifolder3-enterprise (x86_64)
    ifolder3-clients (x86_64)
    ifolder3-tsa (i586)
    iftop (x86_64)

    Should all of these be installed? Is iftop related to ifolder and, if so, what is it? Thanks.
  • 0 in reply to 
    On 27/10/2011 15:06, rkatcher wrote:

    > I start the software installer and get presented with a list of software
    > available for installation. This list includes:
    > ifolder3-enterprise (x86_64)
    > ifolder3-clients (x86_64)
    > ifolder3-tsa (i586)
    > iftop (x86_64)
    > Should all of these be installed? Is iftop related to ifolder and, if
    > so, what is it? Thanks.

    If you're installing iFolder on an OES Linux server then you should
    simply select the iFolder OES component which will ensure the correct
    packages then get installed.

    Are you doing/seeing something different?

    Which version of OES are you using? OES2 SP3 (on SLES10 SP4) is the
    latest version.

    Novell Knowledge Partner (NKP)

    Do you work with Novell technologies at a university, college or school?
    If so, your campus could benefit from joining the Novell Technology
    Transfer Partner (TTP) program. See for more details.
  • 0 in reply to 
    On 27/10/2011 15:06, rkatcher wrote:

    > I start the software installer and get presented with a list of software
    > available for installation. This list includes:
    > ifolder3-enterprise (x86_64)
    > ifolder3-clients (x86_64)
    > ifolder3-tsa (i586)
    > iftop (x86_64)
    > Should all of these be installed? Is iftop related to ifolder and, if
    > so, what is it? Thanks.

    If you're installing iFolder on an OES Linux server then you should
    simply select the iFolder OES component which will ensure the correct
    packages then get installed.
    So if I understand what you're saying, I should just select ifolder3-enterprise (x86_64)

    Are you doing/seeing something different?
    I go to Computer and choose Install Software. After a minute I get presented with a list of about 100 packages available to install. When I scroll down, I find the four listed above.

    Which version of OES are you using? OES2 SP3 (on SLES10 SP4) is the
    latest version.
    Yes, oes2sp3 on sles10sp4.

    Novell Knowledge Partner (NKP)
  • 0 in reply to 
    On 27/10/2011 15:06, rkatcher wrote:

    > I start the software installer and get presented with a list of software
    > available for installation. This list includes:
    > ifolder3-enterprise (x86_64)
    > ifolder3-clients (x86_64)
    > ifolder3-tsa (i586)
    > iftop (x86_64)
    > Should all of these be installed? Is iftop related to ifolder and, if
    > so, what is it? Thanks.

    If you're installing iFolder on an OES Linux server then you should
    simply select the iFolder OES component which will ensure the correct
    packages then get installed.
    So if I understand what you're saying, I should just select ifolder3-enterprise (x86_64)

    Are you doing/seeing something different?
    I go to Computer and choose Install Software. After a minute I get presented with a list of about 100 packages available to install. When I scroll down, I find the four listed above.

    Which version of OES are you using? OES2 SP3 (on SLES10 SP4) is the
    latest version.
    Yes, oes2sp3 on sles10sp4.

    Novell Knowledge Partner (NKP)
  • 0 in reply to 
    On 27/10/2011 16:46, rkatcher wrote:

    > *So if I understand what you're saying, I should just select
    > **ifolder3-enterprise (x86_64)*

    No that's not what I meant.

    > *I go to **Computer** and choose **Install Software**. After a minute I
    > get presented with a list of about 100 packages available to install.
    > When I scroll down, I find the four listed above.
    > *

    So you're using the GUI. Firstly be aware that Computer > Install
    Software is probably not the right thing to do* (I've never used it and
    trying this now I'm getting odd results).

    Underneath the list of packages click 'Pattern' where it says 'Types:
    All Pattern Package Patch'. Then tick the box next to novell-folder
    before clicking the [Install] button.

    *Personally I would use Computer > YaST then choose Software > Software
    Management. Next to Filter: click Search and choose Patterns from the
    drop-down list. Then tick the box next to Novell iFolder in the list of
    Patterns in the left-hand pane (listed under OES Services).

    > *Yes, oes2sp3 on sles10sp4.
    > *

    Fortunately OES11 (on SLES11 SP1) currently in beta fixes Computer >
    Install Software to use YaST.

    Novell Knowledge Partner (NKP)

    Do you work with Novell technologies at a university, college or school?
    If so, your campus could benefit from joining the Novell Technology
    Transfer Partner (TTP) program. See for more details.