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Win7 x64 Novell Client 2 SP1 IR5 BSOD in ncfsd.sys


One user in our company is using Windows 7 x64 and is having a trouble with latest Novell Client. It seems that specific program we use here that accesses databases from network drive is capable of repeatedly producing BSOD's in ncfsd.sys. Normally everything works but as this user had to put the program through some more rigorous usage tests today, he got four identical BSOD's in duration of few hours.

What happened was that immediately after starting the program it sometimes hung on it's first database access attempt. It was seemingly random that the program would hung on any particular time and not on some other - usually it started up normally as it has done already for months on that same system. If it hung, OS and other programs continued to be responsive for a minute or two (Netware server was also accessible), and only then - always - the BSOD came.

The databases our program uses are of Clipper / Foxpro type (DBF).

I uploaded file Heigo_20110208.7z containing one of the minidumps to incoming folder, perhaps You can read something useful out of it. Other minidumps contain the same (bugcheck 0xd1, error in ncfsd.sys, checked with WinDbg).

  • 0
    heigo <> wrote:

    > I uploaded file Heigo_20110208.7z containing one of the minidumps to
    > incoming folder, perhaps You can read something useful
    > out of it. Other minidumps contain the same (bugcheck 0xd1, error in
    > ncfsd.sys, checked with WinDbg).

    The issue implied by the state shown in that mini-dump is an issue
    currently reported and under investigation as Bug 652220. It happens
    to be the same blue screen issue being reported by users of the
    Autodesk Revit application.

    There isn't any identified workaround or ETA for the fix yet, but
    wanted to at least confirm that issue is reported and being
    investigated. If you end up needing to contact Novell Support on the
    issue, or simply intend to look for when a future Novell Client
    release contains the fix, Bug 652220 is the reference to use.

    Alan Adams
    Novell Client CPR Group

    Making IT Work As One

    Upgrade to OES Community
  • 0 in reply to 
    Alan Adams;2073788 wrote:
    heigo <> wrote:

    > I uploaded file Heigo_20110208.7z containing one of the minidumps to
    > incoming folder, perhaps You can read something useful
    > out of it. Other minidumps contain the same (bugcheck 0xd1, error in
    > ncfsd.sys, checked with WinDbg).

    The issue implied by the state shown in that mini-dump is an issue
    currently reported and under investigation as Bug 652220. It happens
    to be the same blue screen issue being reported by users of the
    Autodesk Revit application.

    There isn't any identified workaround or ETA for the fix yet, but
    wanted to at least confirm that issue is reported and being
    investigated. If you end up needing to contact Novell Support on the
    issue, or simply intend to look for when a future Novell Client
    release contains the fix, Bug 652220 is the reference to use.

    Alan Adams
    Novell Client CPR Group

    Making IT Work As One
    NOVELL: Worldwide

    Upgrade to OES Community
    Upgrade to Open Enterprise Server | Novell User Communities

    We have the same issue with Windows 7 32bit pro using the same Novell client accessing a Cobol application that run in a maped drive with Cobol DB. The Novell server is version 6.5
    Please, we need an answer to this. Cant wait until future client releases to see if the bug has been solve..

  • 0 in reply to 
    Alan, the bug you mentioned is allready included in the IR5
    3. SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION (0x3B) bugcheck using Autodesk Revit. (Bug 652220)

    But my problem was not solved. Iam using the IR5 version.
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