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iPrint appliance as an eDir object in main tree? Is this normal?

Is it normal or even useful to have an iPrint appliance showing as a server object in the main eDir tree?

ndsrepair -T   shows it as
   "Server is in a different tree:"  which makes sense.

But of course the NetWare boxes complain with
   "ERROR: Could not connect. Error : -630"

These are seen cleaning up a system that is new to me, so of course finding 'interesting' things from its long history.

I am suspecting that object shouldn't be in the main eDir tree, but was somehow in there,  possibly a previous in tree iPrint OES box that is gone.

I see stuck obituaries pointing to it, so want to see your thoughts before deleting the object, as I ask the client more about its history.


Andy of in Toronto
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    iPrint appliance has it's own tree and no place in "main" tree.

    I agree with you that this must be a residue of old OES iPrint box with same name. Maybe they migrated to appliance some time ago because OES iPrint did not (yet) support mobile printing (we did that at multiple customers).

    I would clean up those server objects in main tree.

    Kind regards,


    Kind regards,


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    Thank you for the confirmation.

    I hadn't directly worked with that appliance before now.

    The customer confirmed it was an old box of the same name that had 'issues', so cleared it out last night, along with all its usual objects

    I thought that would have helped with the stuck obituaries, but now they've multiplied, adding to the 5-year-old ones even if some of them cleared.   sigh.   Off to advanced obit processing that are significant enough, I may have to open a case before we can add new servers to this tree.

    [Update] just needed to reboot the eDir box that was also master of all replicas. A tree now clear of Obituaries for the first time in 5+ years.


    Andy of in Toronto
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    Hey guys,

    i would like to join this conversation because i have kind of the same "problem". I use iPrint Advanced for OES now and want to migrate to an iPrint appliance. The documentation of  MF about the migration is not clear about, what you have to do to the iPrint-Service on the OES after you migrate. Do i just delete the printer manager and driver store followed by a ndsrepair?

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    This is different enough an issue it warrants its own thread, please go ahead and ask it as a new topic here.

    This thread is me trying to sort out a poor cleanup after a new client had done this.

    I have my thoughts, but I haven't done that particular path, and it would be better for that new thread you will be creating where others can better benefit from this needed articulation of post migration cleanup that appears missing from the docs.

    As for ndsrepair, it better not be casually with the -R option, that path is the sledgehammer that can cause lots of grief.


    Andy of in Toronto
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