DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
Although ConsoleOne is officially deprecated in favor of iManager, it is still required to administer GroupWise and ZENworks 7. There is also a cadre of administrators who are more comfortable with ConsoleOne than iManager. However, it can be quite a chore to put your own copy of C1 together that contains snapins for all the products you might use and all of the patches to enable Windows 7, Universal Password, and (relatively) current NMAS support. Some time ago, I needed a copy I could hand out to support personnel at my site as a "master" version of C1 that would meet every need as reliably as possible. It worked quite well, and I was able to make it available to administrators in other organizations who also found that it ran better than their previous copies. I have now received permission to make this copy available via Cool Solutions.
For officially administering GroupWise, you will want to use the version included with the GroupWise 8.0.2HP2 download at This download also includes an installer for the GroupWise snapins.
Of course, I think that my unofficial "master" version of ConsoleOne will lead to maximal sysadmin happiness. To install, all you have to do is download and unzip the file included with this article (""). You can run it by double-clicking on "consoleone_master/1.2/bin/ConsoleOne.exe" just like any other copy of C1.
This distribution was created by installing the officially supported version included with GroupWise and then combing the Novell Downloads and Patch Finder sites for every update and snapin still available. In particular, it includes the GroupWise 8.0.2 and ZENworks 7sp1 snapins. It has been tested with both Windows XP and Windows 7 and should work with several versions of the Novell Client. It can change Universal Passwords and includes an _older_ version of the Unix snapin from the defunct Novell Account Manager product that has better support for primary Unix groups than the snapin included with later versions of C1. I have found it to offer better control over individual Unix user attributes than the Linux User Management pieces for iManager.
The following additional snapins are included:
As well as the latest versions of the snapins that are installed by default:
One final note, this copy is basically current as of summer 2011. If there are patches or snapins released after September 2011 ( in particular I am thinking of the snapins for GroupWise Ascot), you will need to update this copy to install them.