DevOps Cloud
IT Operations Cloud
GroupWise 18
Users have created an auto-reply or vacation rule to respond to messages received internally as well as externally. The internal auto-replies get delivered, however, the external auto-replies fail to send out.
The user will receive a failed delivery attempt message.
Transcript of session follows:
Command: MAIL FROM: <Mailer-Daemon@InternetDomainName>
Response: 550 5.1.0 MailProtect: Your IP xx.xx.xx.xx is not allowed to relay for Mailer-Daemon@InternetDomainName (Unknown domain)
In the verbose GWIA log, there should be entries that resemble these:
16:08:47 86F4 MTP: File sent: 4f8f0b8e.yu1 Size: 8344
16:08:49 87AE MSG 11182997 Sender: user@InternalDomainName
16:08:49 87AE MSG 11182997 Building message: sf8f0b91.572
16:08:49 87AE MSG 11182997 Recipient: Recipient@ExternalDomainName
16:08:50 86F4 MTP: File sent: 4f8f0b91.a11 Size: 37136
16:08:50 86F4 MTP: File sent: 4f8f0b91.a13 Size: 37196
16:08:54 86AC DMN: MSG 11182997 Send Failure: 550 5.1.0 MailProtect : Your IP xx.xx.xx.xx is not allowed to relay for mailer-daemon@ExternalDomainName (Unknown domain)
16:08:54 86AC DMN: MSG 11182997 SMTP session ended: [xx.xx.xx.xx] (
16:08:59 A55C MSG 11182997 Analyzing result file: /media/nss/GWGWIA/gwgwia/wpgate/gwia/result/rf8f0b91.572
16:08:59 A55C MSG 11182997 Detected error on SMTP command
16:08:59 A55C MSG 11182997 Command: MAIL FROM:<Mailer-Daemon@InternalDomainName>
16:08:59 A55C MSG 11182997 Response: 550 5.1.0 MailProtect : Your IP xx.xx.xx.xx is not allowed to relay for mailer-daemon@ExternalDomainName (Unknown domain)
16:08:59 A55C Building undeliverable message
16:09:00 86F4 MTP: File sent: 4f8f0b9b.i23 Size: 2196
16:09:00 86F4 MTP: File sent: 5f8f0b9b.001 Size: 664
The outbound message is getting rejected because it is coming from an unknown user rather than the user account that generated the auto-reply message.
In the GroupWise Admin Console | Internet Agents | <GWIA object properties> | SMTP/MIME tab | Address Handling | Enable the Outbound Settings option for: Use GroupWise user address as Mail From: for rule generated messages.
Save the changes and restart the GWIA to implement them.
Out-bound rule generated messages should now be delivered properly.