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Knowledge Document: Unable to send out rule generated messages



GroupWise 18


Users have created an auto-reply or vacation rule to respond to messages received internally as well as externally. The internal auto-replies get delivered, however, the external auto-replies fail to send out.

The user will receive a failed delivery attempt message.

 Transcript of session follows:

  Command: MAIL FROM: <Mailer-Daemon@InternetDomainName>

  Response: 550 5.1.0 MailProtect: Your IP xx.xx.xx.xx is not allowed to relay for Mailer-Daemon@InternetDomainName (Unknown domain)


In the verbose GWIA log, there should be entries that resemble these:

16:08:47 86F4 MTP: File sent: 4f8f0b8e.yu1 Size: 8344
16:08:49 87AE MSG 11182997 Sender: user@InternalDomainName
16:08:49 87AE MSG 11182997 Building message: sf8f0b91.572
16:08:49 87AE MSG 11182997 Recipient: Recipient@ExternalDomainName
16:08:50 86F4 MTP: File sent: 4f8f0b91.a11 Size: 37136
16:08:50 86F4 MTP: File sent: 4f8f0b91.a13 Size: 37196
16:08:54 86AC DMN: MSG 11182997 Send Failure: 550 5.1.0 MailProtect : Your IP xx.xx.xx.xx is not allowed to relay for mailer-daemon@ExternalDomainName (Unknown domain)
16:08:54 86AC DMN: MSG 11182997 SMTP session ended: [xx.xx.xx.xx] (
16:08:59 A55C MSG 11182997 Analyzing result file: /media/nss/GWGWIA/gwgwia/wpgate/gwia/result/rf8f0b91.572
16:08:59 A55C MSG 11182997 Detected error on SMTP command
16:08:59 A55C MSG 11182997  Command:  MAIL FROM:<Mailer-Daemon@InternalDomainName>
16:08:59 A55C MSG 11182997  Response: 550 5.1.0 MailProtect : Your IP xx.xx.xx.xx is not allowed to relay for mailer-daemon@ExternalDomainName (Unknown domain)
16:08:59 A55C Building undeliverable message
16:09:00 86F4 MTP: File sent: 4f8f0b9b.i23 Size: 2196
16:09:00 86F4 MTP: File sent: 5f8f0b9b.001 Size: 664



The outbound message is getting rejected because it is coming from an unknown user rather than the user account that generated the auto-reply message.


In the GroupWise Admin Console | Internet Agents | <GWIA object properties> | SMTP/MIME tab | Address Handling | Enable the Outbound Settings option for: Use GroupWise user address as Mail From: for rule generated messages.

Save the changes and restart the GWIA to implement them.

Out-bound rule generated messages should now be delivered properly.

 Access article on support portal


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Comment List
  • Related to this is when the outgoing domain is when the outgoing domain is the host name of the box rather than the set domain, and that 'host name' needs its own SPF record as if it were a domain.     Such as for those times when you want that option unchecked


    Andy of in Toronto
    Please use the "Like" and/or "Verified Answers" as appropriate as that helps us all.
