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GroupWise Corporate Instant Messenger - who's in the office right now?


Paul Caron explains how he uses GroupWise Instant Messenger to track down his co-workers when he needs them. (Some might call it stalking. But since it is done with a secure corporate instant messenger rather than a hidden camera, it is bound to be valid work-related stalking…)

Say you've left the office and you get paged or phoned about a particular issue at the office. You know there are a few people still at the office. Do you start calling around the various offices, hoping to see if they're still there? NO! Use GroupWise Instant Messenger.

I've installed a copy of GroupWise Instant Messenger on my BlackBerry (it's free to download from RIM). The contacts and folders come across to my phone just fine and stay synchronized with my eDirectory version.

I'm usually logged into the office version on my PC at the office. But when I launch IM from my phone, it logs me off the active copy on my PC and fires up the copy on my phone. Then by looking at the status updates, I can tell if folks have used their PC within the last few minutes or if they are inactive or have a fixed status. Then I can choose to IM them and maybe have them call me.

It sure beats playing telephone tag, trying to find someone physically in the office.

Note: GroupWise Instant Messenger is a feature of GroupWise, and is not sold separately. If the full GroupWise client for Window, Mac, and Linux isn't in your budget, there's another option. GroupWise Instant Messenger comes with the WebAccess version of GroupWise - which is a less-expensive alternative to the full GroupWise Client. You can buy the WebAccess version from here.

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